
Mittwoch, 31. März 2021


(Talk in the park)

Hey Hans
Aren't we friends anymore?

Hi .....
Well, not on Facebook, if you mean that.

Oh, okay.. 
(and our story continued with talks about photography and places to be)

Today is the day of the big plop.  

The temperature is iresistable high, the trees and flowers can not be withhold anymore, it is time to bloom and then as much as possible.

I succeeded today in my walk in the park, to photograph the blooming magnolia, that I wanted to photograph. And now it is done.  Ican rest. If I want to. But why should I? Is there any reason, not to enjoy time, when you can?

Don't let your time be wasted by worries. Do live the now. All at the proper time.  Enjoy now, and stard worrying, when it is that far. Don't listen to your thoughts. Think with your heart.

Nature is a good example. No matter if the forecast tells about storm, and eventually frost.. Today is the day to flower. A power shower of good energy.

And soon, this (chestnut) bud will flower as well. But the magnolaias will be ready with flowering then. They at lweast had a good day, today.  Something that all the future first should give, to achieve.

It was a beautiful day. And I look forward to more of them.
Let there be rock... Let there 

be light!

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