
Dienstag, 30. März 2021

Outside the temperature is rising

 And it really is time, to consider to wear the open shoes, short trowsers again.. Yea! The wonderful weather is there!
No idea how long, but, the most important is, that it is today :), and since today is the only day we have, we should enjoy it, before it is over again.

So, after this boost to you all, I can say that this day was a day, happy at home. Of course, the private worries, but they are private ;-), who really knows me, knows and for the rest, it will not differ too much.

Happy at home, that was the idea and it worked relatively good.  We need to make research for cookies, the ones I baked today were not  that good as usual. But we will get it sorted, we are struggling forward.

A happy day at home, sun shining in and all looks a bit better, from out of my rings. Looking to the madness in the world, save behind our doors. Yes, it is not easy, and definitely not in our country, where there is hardly someone who knows how things will get further.
As I say... We shall see!
We can not change it, we can make thoughtts, worry, yes, and with a good right. The clouds are there and they do not disappear, no matter how much sunshine there is.

In the end, thins will sort out,for sure.  The world will turn, the moon will shine (it was a bright full moon, yesterday), spring is thete and soon the hot summer will come. Enough to complain about.. I mean, enough to look forward to. 

Stay positive. Stay away from negativity, when you can. It is not very helpful, not for others, not for yourself. Be good for yourself. When the weathe is beautiful, and you not wat want to leave the house... Then do so! It is your life! :) 

The photo is from yesterday, I am slightly irritated, it is almost a good one, and there is one big error in it. I will not tell you what it is.  

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