
Montag, 21. Januar 2019

Leaving Twitter

Oh, what a blog title.  So dramatic!

Yes, it is true, I am leaving Twitter.  I will not give up my account, but I will not use it very much anymore.
I will use it to share my photos, incidentically, and that is it.

It is already a longer time that I do not check the messages at Twitter.  I stopped doing it, while I had that strange feeling in my head, between being curious and being frustrated.
There is so much hate, people write so much, without feeling restricted.  Hate speeches, bullying, heaven knows what all more.
There was a point that I knew that,when I checked Twitter, I should find hate, violence, and all the other things that I not wanted to find.

With the arrival of the idiot of America on it, it has became even worse. He is in that a trend setter, but of course, everyone, in person, is responsible for his own behavior.
For me Social Media are nice, to contact with friends, and to share information,  mainly photos and poetry.  But I always said, that I stay, as long as it makes fun.

Therefore, bye bye Twitter, and hello to all of you, who can read me elsewhere.

Montag, 7. Januar 2019

The King

3 Kings came, from far
To see the new born King
They did follow a star
And were convinced that it should bring them
To that important place

I do believe in fairy tales
They make me smile, for all
Because they lead to a peaceful place
Where you don't beat your head
Against the wall

(c)  2018  HaFri Poetry

Dienstag, 1. Januar 2019

Happy new year. A walk in the rain

Happy new year, for who ever reads this!

2019 started today. New plans, expectatitions, let's see what will happen.

Today was a rainy day and I made a short walk. Just because I do not care about rain