
Mittwoch, 10. März 2021


One of the things that most of us learned, in the past year, is to overwin our fear for video meetings. We are more or less forced to communicate through computers, telephones or tablets, to be at least a bit able to live our normal life further.

I personally think that that is a good thing. People with not so much confidence about theirself, how they look like, how they act, are now over the border and show who they are. And I think no one got a heart attack from what they saw  at the screen. :-)
Tonight it is a new meeting, with a new tool for me.
Rather then being annoyed about my own look (I am who I am, who doesn't like it should deal with it), I like to take a bit attention to the background. It is not only me, that is shown, but it is as well a part of the house, it is a true view in (here) a messy house, so I try to find a corner, where the things look not that bad :) .

It is a bit a strange thing, that we judge eath others on what we see, rather then on who we are.  This past year learned me tthat I still do look critical to others, to others screens.  Maybe I am a stalker, deep inside?  :-D
Or, most likely, it is that I am pretty fast loosing my attention, looking for new things, drifting away from the subject.
And there you have it. Another 'thing'  that I told myself to learn. Concentrate on what I do. When the thoughts drift away, gently putting them back. In talks, in calls, but as well in films and so more.

I wont fall asleep, when I am active,  make my opinion about things. And, in some cases,  just keeping that thouthgs to myself :) :) 

Good, banana evening, with a photo that I took  today, in Düsseldorf.
The protests against the 'anti corona/anti vaccination/anti everything group gets more and more.


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