
Mittwoch, 26. Februar 2020

Facebook --- again

Let's talk about Facebook


Yes, again.

Because, we are part of it.  We almost all are part of it, and it is a problem!
It is a problem, that Social Media (for all FaceBook) takes so much of our time.  When I was in the queue in the shopping mall, before me a man was checking his facebook. I am not a stalker, but I saw the F app lightening up at his handy, and he almost 'forgot'  to pay, I guess he had a very important message coming in.

Just like the girl that passed the street, and for only a few centimeters 'missed'  the ER car, what was coming around the corner. It was a narrow escape, but it happens more then we realize!

Anyway, my 'problem'  today with FB and Co is, the messages that come.

Unfortunately there were a few bad things happenng, in Germany there were some bad incidents as well.
Now I am following a few news groups, so I am informed pretty well about what happens.
Now, my friends seem to follow the news as well,and they think it is okay to share the news as well.
Result:  I got about 50 messages in my news feed, about each attack.

What happens, when you see bad news so many times?  What does it do with your psyche?
There is a reason that I do not watch the news on tv, because, it is so often the same. I am good informed, anyway, and when I hear that bad news often, it makes me feel sick, worried, helpless, all the things that are not good for me.

People who spread the news, are not aware of this, of course.  I think that it is as well a thing that is used to influence us.  When we read 100 times about the german killer, we believe that every german is a killer and that we are no where safe.
It is like the troll in our head.  It is not true, but it is connstantly tricking us, and convincing us that we are in danger, that the things are bad, and it makes our psyche react, without that we really want to. No one wants to be in panic, no one wants to be depressive. But this agresive way of communicating makes it more easy, and the hate preachers use it, to influence the people as well.  As I described above, I think it goes much further than thatt.

Is it a reason to skip facebook to the 'was nice, next please* ???  No, not yet, and not at all.

It is a reason to consider who I will follow.  My true friends (I know who they are!) are not the big posters of this kind of messages. But there are a few, that leave no opportunity unused to show the hate, the disaster.
I not need photos of killed animals, to care for their health!  And I not need to see terror, to know that we should love each other, every day!

Selecting friends and groups that I follow.  Less is more. I think we all need the balance, betweeen good and evil. And the only one who can make that, are we, ourselves.

Less is more, I think.
And there it is, another try to use the 'new media'  in a healthy way.

And I am sure I will write more about Fb, later

Freitag, 7. Februar 2020

Sturmfrei .... wtf?

At the moment that I write this, the sun is shining, as if it is spring already, on a beautiful Friday, the next horror messages are coming out of the media. Radio and TV.
Everything is preparing for a stormy weekend, in what we expect, next to the normal rain, a storm, with possible windspeed as in a hurricane (140 Km p H)

So, appearantly it is pretty easy to forecast this, what makes our part of  the country preparing. In the schools will be closed on monday, 'sturmfrei', also free for storm. 
Yes...  Storm Free...To prevent our scholars for worse...

Well, call me old fashioned, but I do not understand such things very well.
I remember the time when we were young (yes, that is a while ago), that we had to go at our bicycles, or if not, by foot, walking, to school when the weather was bad. When there was snow, rain, and also when there was a storm coming up. 
I can not remember that there has been one day, that we did not have to go to school, no matter the weather.  Of course it is good that 'we'  can better foresee what all comes to us, so that we not need to bring ourselves in danger, but.....
When the situation is so serious, why are only scholars prevented?  Why do other groups of  people still have to risk rheir lifes, to go to their shops, to serve people, who appearantly better should stay home, just like the scholars and teachers?

It confuses me, it gives me headaches. Maybe I better stay home, and see if I can get out on Monday.  Oh no.. wait, then not. Oh, why not, I am not a scholar, so I can.   Help.... :)