
Dienstag, 2. März 2021

Against everything

 Here in Germany, it is on Wednesday, when the new rules for  getting through the corona pandemy are decided. As usual, the press knows already before roughly what the plans are. At the social media they make the contest, who can publish the news as first. And of course, everyone can react on it.

At Facebook there is a phenomena, that, everybody who has too much time, can write their opionion below the articlles.
Most people don't.  They just wait until tomorrow (wednesday) and they do what they have to do today, between the lines that are put.

At Facebook it is different. The people with too much time, are all experts and tell already long before the measures are official, how ridiculous they are, how bad they are.  And of course Merkel is responsible, alll the limitations fit in her plan.  
The people, who scream so loud, that the measures are bad and should stop, do not accept the new steps back to normality, but they are against.... Against every thing that is ordered. Against every step back to normality. Against the fact that we (most likely)  can shop again, after having made an appointment with the shops... 

What's wrong with people?  When we not want to stay in this situation, why are 'they'  then again every new steps back to normal? 
I do not understand (those) people. I do not want to understand those people. 
Why can't we just be happy with every little step? Why can't we enjoy the beautiful weather, and accept the things as they are, for now? It will not be forever!  Even when it is a long time, look to the bright points.
If you can't see the light at the end of the tunnel, you should go forward, and not staying in the middle of the darkness!

So far my whining for today.  I heared so many people, who are not happy, and have a good reason to be not happy. And that has nothing to do with the virus, but with how people treat eachother. 

Breath the air. Enjoy the sun. Laugh about nothing! :) And, as the song goes .... LOVE is all you need.

Be love.  Love it 

Tomorrow I will not rant. Promise! :) 

THe photo.. A man from Space (?) in Grevenbroich.  Noooo idea what it is exctly :) :) 

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