
Freitag, 29. Januar 2021

Lockdown 2.1 day 44

A thought about coffee.


I wonder.  Why the tea shop is open, and the coffee shop closed?

If one of those is an essential drink, why the other not?

And that is pure self intrest, because, when the lockdown lastst longer, I see that I have to switch my coffee consume to another as my favorite brand.  And yes, that is a catastrophe ;-)  an essential problem :) 

Other questions considering coffee..
Why is there still a Coffee to go?  
When people are not allowed to gather, they still can get a coffee to go.  And then gather.  And then, drinking their coffee, in an area where masks are obligatory.  Also, wearing no masks, drinking coffee.  
And when they are corrected then, they say like... How can I drink my coffee,when I have a mask on?

I should like to turn the question back.
Why do you need to drink coffee at the market, when it is not allowed to meet with more then 2 people?
Especially when you are only 5 minutes away from home?

And  this are just a few questions, only about coffee. It is not even about other things, what are confursing, as in shops. Or, why it is only now so, that there are hard restrictions, to travel to some countries? 
How strict is home office promoted yet?  What about the chaos with the vaccinations, where the pharma industry shows their absolutely monoply in this? When the can not deliver enough, all we can do is look and .. get angry..

No, I won't get angry. Not at all. But, in this chaos, there are a lot of qustions.
And until those questions are not answerrred, I will simply do what is the best. Follow the rules :)  No coffee to go. It is no fun to drink coffee alone in the street, with a face mask on :)

I started the day in a somber mood. Then I decided to sleep a bit, and when I woke up again, everything was better.
The first song that I was singing along was .. don't worry.. be happy!  My motto for today and every day!


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