
Donnerstag, 7. Januar 2021

Lockdown 2.0 day 22

 Another grey day, another day 'happy at home'  together.

Recovering from the shocking news from yesterday out of the US, where Dictator Trump tried his next attempt to ruin the democracy.  Since every project he starts is doomed to fail and become a disaster, this one did as well ad that is good.  Even better is that he is banned from the social media that I use, hopefully Twitter will follow that example as well, to give the world a bit of peace until after the installation of the new president.

Good, no furhter political talks here, you know where I stand..
Now vaccination 2 is granted for Europe, and the chaos still is not sorted out, it is becoming a long breath.  The streets are absolutely cold and empty, the only on what you can rely on is the homeless people, who are trying to get a bit of money.  Even the MacDonalds in our inner city is closed, I saw big ovens being carried out and yea.. I was without the camera!  

A lazy day in the row, but not a bad day.  Week one of a new project is finished, I make the  photo and Nichola (Vaughan Verse) adds her wonderful verse to it.  A new synergy, what will bring us surprises and heappy moments the coming time :) 

Life is smiling to me. Who knows  what more surprises this year will bring.  It is a challenge, and I acceptet the challenge fully and with passion.

Okay, that were a lot words to say that there is nothing to mention.  Look forward to tomorrow, on what it,most likely, be a day again like today. :) 

The photo of today..  has to do with the empty streets in the city, a few days ago. 

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