
Dienstag, 26. Januar 2021

lockdown 2.1 day 41

 Who knows me, knows how I stand to  the 'rules'  that are made to get the virus under control. 
Like we used to say, past year in spring, how to lower the curve.
Still my attidude has not changed. I am critical, but I do what I have to do.

Meanwhile it seems the world is torn into different parts, people who can not stand the restrictions, and refusee, and the majority, who follows the rules.

Mind the photo. What means,  if you so much want the lockdown rules to end, then f.cking follow the lockdown rules.

But, in our 'not so lockdown',  here we sometimes meet people with other visions, who share the same intrests.
That caused  a chat with this person about Questions about the lockdown rules.
I absolutely heared nothing new, the same crap as we hear from years, this time the parrot is definitely influenced from the local 'Hein Blöd'. 

Anyway.  I have been told that the person can not wear a medical mask, because he has ear pods in. Last week he had no problems with wearing a home made mask, now all the sudden he has problems...At my advice to get an presccription, he said, he not needs that (most likeliy means he wont get it).
Further he was amazed that at Sunday all masks were good enough, and at Monday just the medical.
I told him that one year ago, no masks were considered and that there is not much difference, sure not when you have money, in obtaining them.
Then, the highlight of the day, was the prediciton, that the resitrictions will be over at April 1st. The reason? It is because in April it is Ramadan.  Fools day, for who?

Sigh..  Is this the world they created?
I want to stay in my bubble. And if your bubble is like mine, then we can bubble together :) 

No, I am not angry, just a bit sad. But there is a bunch of people, that can not be saved anymore.  
As well as that this different opinion is not a reason for me to demolish my city, or my country.

I promise tomorrow a more positive blog, what fits more  by my mood, even today, after this unwanted smelling fart that happened :) 

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