
Dienstag, 9. Februar 2010

Make 2010 a year of progress for Tibet

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"Don't let our suffering be in vain.
Carry our story beyond our borders, and let others know."

Dear hans,

Again and again, the Tibetan people have reached out to tell the world about the conditions in their country - and asked for your help.

That may seem unremarkable, except each time a Tibetan dares to speak honestly with an international journalist or visitor, they risk detention and torture in a Chinese prison.

As a friend of Tibet, when I ask you to show your support of ICT this year, please know that I ask for my organization . . . but I really ask on behalf of the people of Tibet. That's why ICT's dedicated staff comes to work every day - myself included.

Refugees in Kathmandu

Newly arrived refugees at the Tibetan Refugee
Transit Center in Kathmandu.

Support Tibet

I truly believe that 2010 will be a transformational year for Tibet and the Tibetan people. We have the potential to take meaningful action, move in new directions, and advance new strategies.

And with your help, we can ensure that we make the most of the events and opportunities ahead.

When you donate to ICT today, you will empower our exceptionally important work this year:

  • Making certain the new, emerging diplomatic strategy of the Obama Administration delivers real support to the Tibetan people and advances a solution for Tibet.

  • Shining an international spotlight on the cases of political prisoners, fighting for fair trials and impartial legal representation for those detained.

  • Monitoring and advocating to improve the conditions that threaten the safe transit of Tibetan refugees across the Himalayas, through Nepal and onward to freedom in exile.

  • Continuing the tireless efforts of our research and field teams to document, report and amplify the voices from inside Tibet.

  • Pressing for critical funding from Congress for programs that help meet the urgent needs of Tibetans now and will protect the unique Tibetan identity into the future.

  • Continuing to connect Tibetans and Chinese in discussions that foster mutual understanding and common approaches to resolving their differences.

This year we'll also grow our network of grassroots activists and we'll continue to foster strong relationships with parliamentarians across the globe and find new allies here in the U.S. Congress.

We do this work so that the stories of our Tibetan friends will be heard.

We do it to stand up for the human rights and freedoms of our fellow man.

We do it because we believe His Holiness the Dalai Lama's vision for the people of Tibet is achievable.

And I know we will succeed because we have your support. Together, let's make this our best year ever on behalf of Tibet.


Mary Beth Markey's Signature

Mary Beth Markey
VP, International Advocacy

P.S. Please use this opportunity to renew your commitment to ICT and the Tibetan people. We welcome any amount you're able to afford at this time.

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International Campaign for Tibet
1825 Jefferson Place NW | Washington, DC 20036 | 202-785-1515

Make 2010 a year of progress for Tibet

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