
Dienstag, 9. Februar 2010

Do it yourself

When you want to do something good - do it yourself

It happens to me that I say to other people, hey, why do you do this this way? It might be much easier to do it the other way.
But does it realy matter, when, at the end, we all come to the same point?

Even worse it gets when I ask (or expect) others to do things for me. How often it is than just a tiny bit next to what I did expect, or want?

Should I complain (or worse) about that to the other, just because (s)he did it his/her way?
Or should I look to myself and ask myself again why I expect others to be acting exactly the way I should do it?
And if I am not happy with the way others do it, why not doing it myself?

I better sit back and think about if I realy want others to be exact copies of me.
A scary thought, this world is better off with all individual spices and colors

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