
Samstag, 20. Februar 2021

Satties Lockdown post of today

 Who knows me a bit, knows that I like to provocate a bit, now and then.  That evil habbit of me is getting more and more under control.

However, when it comes to the 'anti corona' clique, I love to put some oil at the fire.  It is just when I feel that way, and it is just when I want to.  Not that I have the illusion, that it might help to change their thoughts. Who still is not able to think clear, after a year, they will not learn it from me either.

Now and then, in those conversations, there come thoughts in my mind, when I re-read it, that I think, hey, I should remember that.

I put my thoughts of today here below.  The original is in German, below the English. 
The photo is from my short walk, yesterday. Today I am happy at home :) 

Why should we talk with who is against vaccination, when we want to let ourselves getting jabbed anyway?

Why should I discuss with Anti Corona people, when I kow that they do nothing than repeating the lies that others tell?

Why should ALL countries, worldwide, take similar, unpleasant steps, just to please Mrs Merkel and Bill Gates?

Think. Show solidarity.  Do hope, that you NEVER will get such an illness.  Do hope, that your family, your friends, will be saved from 'it'  as well

Just do what you have to do.
Who endlessly radicalizes, refuses everything, is no hilp at all, to get the Pandemy under control
Let's do what the experts tell us.
Even when the measures are hurting us all, and are unpleasant, look about the virus is treated in other countries.  Is it so bad, where we are?  Do we want it to get bad?

Also.. Wear the masks, and  stand together, against corona.

Warum sollte man mit 'Impfgegner' reden, wenn man sich impfen lassen möchte?
Warum soll ich mit Corona Leerdenker reden, wenn ich weiß, das sie nur schwurbeln?
Warum sollen ALLE Länder, weltweit, die gleiche unangenehme Massnahme nehemen, nur um Frau Merkel und Bill Gates zu dienen?
Denk nach. Sei solidär. Hoffe, das du NIE so eine Erkrankung kriegt. Hoffe, das deine Familie, deine Freunde, 'es' auch bespart bleib.
Tu einfach was getan werden muss.
Wer sich endlos radikalisiert, alles verweigert, der is absolut keine Hilfe, um die Pandemie unter kontrolle zu kriegen.
Lassen wir die Experten folgen.
Auch wenn die Massnahmen allen peinlich und unangenehm sind, schaue mal in Länder um uns hin.. es kann viel, und viel schlimmer. Wollen wir das?
Also.. Maske auf, und zusammen gegen corona.

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