
Mittwoch, 24. Februar 2021

Es Reicht. ....

Es Reicht!

That is the scream from many people.  Translated, it means something like, enough is enough, that's it!

You can guess where that is about.  Indeed.  People are fed up with the restrictions, that they have to live with. People want to shop, want to party, want to go to concert.. A year with restrictions is over, and (as in many  countries), there are a lot of questions, that bring irritations and frustrations to people.

Very understandable,  and the signs are good, we might be able to return to the new normality (what will be definitely a bit different then before).  I think that we will have to wear our masks for at least the rest of this year.  And I think that, before September, there will be no mass meetings.  There might even be privileges for some people (the vaccinated ones). Holidays will be different then before.

I must say, that I like the idea, that some things might differ a bit as how we lived before the virus. It will not hurt any of us, to be a bit more careful, thoughtful, think about others in shops and outside.

Oh wait.. I think that I am a dreamer. When I see what happens those days, when the weather is good, the mass outbreak of people to places that are crowded...  Yes, of course, when there are no parks and so open, we are restricted in where to go, and of course we can not forbid people to go somewhere. That is because we are a democracy, we have our freedom, and the government will and shall not rule our life.

When people say... 'Es Reicht',  I get irritated.  Of course it is enough, of course we ALL should love to see shops open again, to be able to go on holidays, in the zoo, in a museum. Drinking a coffee in our favorite cafe (when it has survived this horrible year).  
But we should NOT put the pressure too much. A year long we did the very best to survive this virus, so many people are killed with it, many did survive.  We can not ruin our future by now opening the casinos, just because some people st<art laying at the ground, screaming, it is enough!  

Stand up and face the coming time with hope.  I do that, anyway.  I so much wish a few things happening, but when it is not.... not yet,....  then I have to wait.  I absolutely am not helpful when I act like a not grown up child that holds its breath until their parents give him that cookie!  :) 

Wow..  I did not want to write this all.  It all came because of that two words.. Es Reicht.  Yes, it is enough indeed. I can not hear (or even read) those words anymore. It is enough. We KNOW that we all want to come back to normal. Fight and build up, instead of crying and destroying.  

I have to stop ...I am repeating myself. And I do not want to ruin my good mood today.  I do not want other ones to destroy my mood :) 

The photo of today... The swans are putting their territories.. Soon the breeding season will start and they all want the best spots.  Fine, fine, just find a place where I can photograph you :-)  :-) 


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