
Mittwoch, 17. Februar 2021

Lockdown, maybe day 63


Yes, spring is in the air. 

I read the messages, America is a bit under a white blanket, but here, the white is because of the snowbells, Schneeglöckchen, as photographed today.

It is lovely to see, search for, the little signs, the little colours, that most definitely mean, that spring is coming soon. We also see it with the daylight, 17.30 and still no dark.  I love it.
Today.. apart from my struggles with my blood pressure, I noticed the hair of people. It is clear that it is a long time ago, that most people went to the hair dresser. Who did, is easily 'catched'  nowadays, :-)  

The good news, soon the hairdressers will open, 10 days and then we have one problem less.  I hope that the numbers of affected people remains low, it is a bit scary, with the new variations, but  I keep hope. What other choice do we have?

I want us, you, to be strong. It is really not easy, but it is the only way, to  get through this, and give the virus the final shot.  Don't get panicked by the media, who are analyzing all the things that are done into a ridiculous mode. They have too much time to write, and I, today, not too much anymore. Off to the kitchen, tonight it is chiniese food, the 'Wok'  is out and the veggies can't wait any longer to get in :) 

Stay warm, stay healthy, stay cool!

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