
Donnerstag, 11. Februar 2021

Lockdown Blog day 57


So, 3 more weeks in lockdown.  And the schools can open, when they want.  And the hairdressers too.
It makes me toughtful.

How comes, that many hairdresser started with 'booking'  their customers a few weeks ago, for March, and now .. it's a miracle... they open just in time?

Understand me correctly, I do wish all in business, that we can come back to normal soon, but  there are many questions, I doubt if we ever will get an answer on them. Why do  sporters have allt the time a perfecth haircut, while the hairdressers are not allowed to work?

Questions after questions.
And it wass a wonderful, sunny day again. I made a longer walk, and even met a 'Mohne', it is carnival, after all. So the loud yell 'Helau!!'  in the park, was a celebration in my heart :) 

Stay healthy. Hang on, don't give up. Make it the best for yourself, do what you have to do :) 

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