
Dienstag, 20. April 2010


And there I am again, with my unbeatable log, but I have at least a few more hits than Jon with it, LOL ;)
I have seen so many websites (created them as well), blogs and stuff, everyone nowadays has one, and is too busy with their own that they have no time to read other ones. So, who should be surprised when getting no hits, or just a few?
Consider what for you are on line. I guess it is for us all for fun, entertainment ;), so we choose what we like.

I was up pretty early this morning, that always has a good efffect at my productivity and so it was today as well.
Still it is too cold for the time of year, but I don't think that it will be (like someone told me yesterday) a cold summer just because of that ash cloud from the vulcano LOL.

I guess I keep on being stucked at the coffee pot today. Only leaving it for my shoppings, it will be chicken tonight.
Further again a load of music to look through hmmmm, lovely lovely!

Enjoy your day, it is a beauty. as well as the song under the pic, from LONG ago!

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