
Donnerstag, 22. April 2010


picture    by Mimigo
Every now and than I have such a moment
That I am relaxed and daydream a little bit
Everything can come and calmly go

And than, all the sudden
With no explanation
Everything is a littlebit different

I think, ah, everything turns the way it does
Fine to me
And than, all the sudden
Why, I don't know
it sparkles champagne in my glass
what was a second ago just water

That's how I sat, just being me
Nothing special, not unhappy
just nice

And than it happened
Right that, very close
that feeling came right over me

That everythng
is in fact still the same
but it has a bit more of glance
The light is a tiny bit brighter
the vibes a tiny bit more warm

In fact, not much has had changed
But still
all the sudden
through you
the world looks a bit different

in the end
picture by Mimigo

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