
Freitag, 1. April 2016

1/30 Five problems with social media

Five problems with social media

What a day!

The alarm went off this morning, way too early, just like every day.
Since the moment that I had that brilliant idea, to use the alarm at my I Pad, I am waken up by my favorite voice, singing, how can I go on,
what is a good question, and I still haven't found the answer.  Nevertheless, broken and long not ready to wake up, I wipe awway Freddie and right away get a view in the most important messages that I did miss during the night.

Yes! :-) 23 new likes at my photo, let's see what comments I got.  Ah, Facebook is slow, again... hmm.. wait.. it is not slow ... no connection...
Argh, I have to hurry now, it took me 20 minutes to find out that I am off line, now I better go and take my shower. 

Freshly showered and shaved I stumble to the kitchen. Coffee time it is. I grap my phone, and look if the connection is back. Yes!  we are on line again, the day is saved.
Peep.. I hear, oh, I have a new follower on Twitter, who??   Oooooh a photographer, how cool, I need to look up his page later, maybe he can give me more 'likes'  at facebook as well...
But, first.. coffee...  Ahhh that smelll.... A slice of bread.. Lunch made.. Waking up my better half... (in random sequence...).. Listening to the news and then I hear that song at the radio.
Again!!  I hear it for weeks already, but I cannot get the tittle of it.  And since my phone is still in reach, I open shazam and .. tadammmm the miracle happens,
there is the title and the clip wooooo hoooo!

I finally know what my song is and, without thinking any further I annoy my friends with it with sharng it, directly from my phone to Facebook and twitter..
Not that they need it, but... it feels so good to pretend to be important! 

Where did the time flow? I have to go already, so, hush, hush, kiss, bye  and off I am in the street. A great view in the street, quickly I take my camera (what sometimis is my phone) and make a picture
This will look cool at Instagram, I mumble, and am just in time to catch my train, where I edit the picture and am even in time to get it at the holy Instagram page (slooooow connection) before I am at my destination.

The working day goes nicely. The weather is good, the people are in a good mood and so am I. I know that I did do my digital duties and I only need to check now and then if people are reeally giving me likes and kuddos.
What they do.
Then I see a text message coming in.  Hey Hans, what's up?  I saw you were logged in, but you did not talk to me, are you angry at me?


I take my messenger and reply that I am working, so that I have no time to chat.

And when I am sitting later in the evinging at the couch, with my ipad at the lap, checking emails, I need almost an hour to explain why I had no time to chat, but why I had all the time to check my accounts.
Exhausted I drop in bed. I am so tired, thaat I almost forget to install my alarm for tomorrow. And while doing that, I see the latest messages of the day popping at my screen. Now I am sure I did not miss a thing, and can drop asleep

Until the alarm wakes me way too eartly. I swipe away the music, read my messages and try to get up...

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