
Mittwoch, 6. April 2016

6/30 Someone who fascinates me

The 6th day already, and I start to like writing again!

About a person that fascinates me.  

Well.. Every person in my life fascinates me.  Fascinating is for me not the same as admiring. Faschinating is for me being amazed by how the other is and is doing. I am not only fascinated from the people around me, but as well from nature, animals and all what is around.

I am fascinated by the new born baby, that is preparing for its first cry. If you ever saw that, heard the first sound of  the newborn child, then you know what I mean.  A new sound in the universum, more fascinating is not imagineable.  

Children, animals, in fact it is the same. The new life, flowers, it is amazing to see it and also amazing to follow how the things develop. Sometimes you loose the sight, yes, then the fascination transforms to mystic.  What about .... (fill it in), what did become of  ..., after all the time?

I am especially fascinated by people that are not afraid to show their ideas, and stand for it.
People that are standing up for justice, equal rights, against torture, people who want peace,, people that invent things for the sake and wellness of others. Peace fighters, Light workers.  

Oh, and how about angels, aren't you fasciated from them?  Well I am!   My guardian angel always anazes me. No matter how long I ignore him, when I need him, he is there. Fascinating!

One of the most fascinating people that I know influences my life every day.  His music, his life, his attitude. Wanting to be the best, and becoming it, because he was living his ideas.  I love Freddie, every day of my life!
An endless list of people that are fascinating. And if I have to choose now, I really am not sure who to choose. Mother Theresa? Ghandi? The Dalai Lama, Vincent van Gogh, My best friend?

I shall surprise you with my answer at today's writers challenge.
Someone who fascinates me ... 

Audrey Hepburn
A woman with an amazing life. her films and performances give so many people joy. Her work as ambassador for UNICEF, started when it was not yet 'cool'  that celebreties were putting their name on humanity.
Her smile, and her incredible beautiful heart.  I can talk hours about the why, but it will be incomplete, the more I write.

A hug from the most fasscinating person that I can think of.  Priceless.

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