
Sonntag, 1. Januar 2017

hello 2017

So, there we are

A brand new year is waiting for us, and I think we all have thought about what might come to us. 
And we as well all (should) know that we can't be sure that it all will come to us indeed.

Expectations, wishes, new years resolutions, there are many ways to face the new year.
I decided to face the new year with open arms.
Living day by day

Not that I not care or think about what will come. I will do my best to be MORE to the point, to be MORE there for who really cares. 
I do not want my day to be spoiled by the thought of what tomorrow might possibly bring. 
I will not run away for responsibilities, I will stand for them when they come and when they are needed.
Every day again I shall try to smile and give a smile

Even when the tears might be strong
The year is long, and has a lot to offer. And how we face it, is in our own hands. When we can find some faith, even in difficult situations, then it might be more bearable as well.

I want to be good.  I want to be as imperfect as I am, with more Hans'  moments then ever before. 

I want to give good.  Give a smile, every day, to the one who are the closest in my heart, but as well to people that I do not know so well (or maybe to someone that I do not know at all).

And when I fail, those days will come most definitely as well, then I will try harder, next day.

I know the people that I must look for, who give me the power. And that are the persons who are the most close to me, who I see every day, and of who I think, and care.  They are worth the smile, and faith.

I think I have to reread this a couple of times, the coming weeks!!!!  

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