
Sonntag, 1. November 2009


One of the nice things of being young is that you have the idea that everything is possible, that there are no limits
How much did I do, for peace, environment, name it, I was with it.
Often I must have been a horrible disaster in my parents' eyes
One of the nice things of growing older is that you find out that there are limits in what you can reach
Simply because you have not the physical capaacities, not the money, whatever, there is a lack of power to get the world formed to your hands

Both is very okay for me. I never lost my ideas and my ideals, I can still stand for them and do what I can. Like when I was young.
I also know I have to make my choices, now. I can help and support others with sharing our ideas
And I can make choices

The more I grow up
the better I can make my choices

And the more I choose
The less I loose
mot the more I win

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