
Dienstag, 12. Januar 2010

Everything comes and goes

Good evening ladies and gentlemen

Yes, I'm here again, I did moan a bit too much, but this morning it was NOT moaning, be glad you could not hear the words!

Anyway, internet works, phone as well and I have confidence to get the tele over to the 'all in one' modem soon as well.

And than another day is over, I ran out of time for doing things.
I didnt have even time to put the pictures on line from our walk, yesterday, a truly winter walk, lovely and cold. No melting yet, we remain living in the refrigerator this week. I dont mind, it is called winter!

Enjoy your evening, and.. if I have time.. we might meet again tomorrow.

Oh, dont forget to click at the toon for a tune ;)

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