
Dienstag, 19. Januar 2010

As He wishes

I wrote this poem at dutch, translated it as good as I could

I wrote this poem at dutch (text in my group)
and translated it as good as I could


I am just not good
Nothing comes out of my hands
I as well have such days
That I bent my head
Leave me alone, I am not here, for a bit
What a long time it takes, before this day has ended

I know, and tell myself time after time
After the rain the sun will shine
This shower will not last forever
Behind the horizont there is the light
But pft, at such a moment
please not
I want to be as small
Just want to be down

For a while in my corner
Nice and lonely I should be
With the safe wall
cozy around me
I slightly look up
Seeing just the stones

I DO remember
But I can't see it ....
when I sit down
I have to raise
and climb a bit
Conquering my shadow

And when I then
Look over the wall
I see again what I did miss
I hear your smile
in my eyes
I feel your warmth
What never betrayed me

O yes, I am sure
you are my friend
I stumble out of my corner
You deserved so much better

Sparkling sunshine greets me
Much too long hidden
How much I need this

I'll be there
We shall be there

I feel me a bit alone
But always

as he wishes

I have friends like you
around me

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