
Dienstag, 15. Dezember 2020

Lockdown 2.0

Lockdown 2.0.  

That tells it all. We are again in a lockdown, thank you, Corona Virus. 

Sunday it was announced, and the people have had time until tonight, Tuesday, to behave like no one wanted that they should behave.  Queues before the shops, endless, and of course no distances. But, most masked,that is a thing we learned the past few months.
 Appearantly many not yet see the essential of the problem, and they matter more about their christmas gifts rather then about  the people around them.

My preparations for the lockdown were limited. If I compare with the first lockdown, on what we hardly did know what we could expect, I now know that the supermarkets stay open, so there is a guarantee that I will get some stuff. We shall survive. That is, when the people behave and not buy as much as that they did with toilet paper. And it starts again, I heared from reliable resources.

I will write a bit about the coming days. Christmas is different this year. How different?   Read Satties Lockdown Journal, and you know all about it. 

Today was the day that people in risk groups could get the first 'stack' of free PP2 masks. Since I am in the age that is labeled as critical, I could get 3 as well. I will give them my sweetie, she needs them more then I, with her countless contacts, every day. For her there is no lockdown, the show will go on.

Tonight... Rain.. baked potatoes, salad, saucages.  Life is yum! 

Todays photo is taken on Sunday, also 2 days ago. When we saw the sun for the last time.

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