
Mittwoch, 1. Februar 2017

Queen can put a sign

The Queen world is buzzing again, and for all the people in America do. Because Queen (and Alan Lambert) announced to tour this summer again in 'the land of the free'.

Now we all know that, with Trump, the freedom in the US is over, discurimination and war signs are coming more and louder and (until now) no one is stopping the power of Trump.

Protests get more and louder. The movie industry, the pop musician, and many more artists are voicing loud against the monstrous steps that are taken by  Trump.  It has to stop!

So, my suggestion is, that Queen can put a deed as well. 

A group, grounded by a non christian from a 'non christian' country, with the singer who is gay, a group who promoted glitter and fought in their lyrics as well against regressors and war, should say no.
The group with songs like - is this the world we created- white man, the miracle (the list is endless), can put a voice now.  The group forbid their songs to be played at Trump's parties. When they are consequent, they should cancel the tour and put a sign.

The guitar player, who stands up for badgers and nature, why not stand up for people now?
The drummer, with political engaged songs like Dear Mr Murdoch, the Unblining Eye.. were that just songs or do you stand for them?

There are plenty of other countries where they can play. Or (even better for me), they should just retire.

Just a thought, I don't think I make friends again with this!

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