
Mittwoch, 8. März 2017

No tome to worry ...

I found this at one of my friends' Facebook, and it caught me right away. 

There are so many moments that I put the wrong priorities, and am nosing in other ones busiess, what in fact is none of my business.  Well, not in fact, it IS not!

But when friends, or people that i like, act in a way that I do not like, it is hard to shut up and say nothing. I expect from my friends that they say to me, hey, stop that, when I do things that annoy them.
 I kow that only very good friends shall do that, and that makes them such special friends.

However, I always like to show how I think, how I feel, what I do, and I shall not stop letting you know, when I think your doings are not what I like to see. 

That is the deal in being friends with me.  As well digital, and as well considering that digital friends are not the same as real friends.

Please excuse me now, I need a lot of loving to do (and there is football to watch, in a few minutes :-D)  

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