
Samstag, 28. Februar 2015


The last day of february, time for a look back into the month. '
This month labels itself with illnesses.
Physical, a lot of people do suffer, a few people did pass away, mental, a few people do not get 'it'  and global, the madness of the several wars (in the middle east, in the Ukraine, in Nigeria) and terrorism are putting a huge shadow on our normal lives.

We people are intending to want to solve problems, and with the things mentioned above, it is almost impossible to solve them by ourselves.
Illnesses can be enlightened by medication, a long as the industry (pharmacy, insurance companies) give us the permission to do so.
The blind hate (and fear) from terrorism and war can be enlightened when we try to understand why the other is acting that way. Keep on asking why, until you get an answer. Do not give up

We all have our premature frustrations, sooner or later, about many things.  I think we should consider where it omes from. Is it realy that we are angry, or is it maybe that we are frustrated that we can not change the things the way we should love to change it. And, when accepting that fact, are we open for means and ways in what the things probably can improve?

Don't be blind. Open the eye. If you loose your glasses, you can get new, and hey, it looks good as well :)

Don't be afraid to open your eyes. Don't be afraid to walk on, there is always someone who you can walk with.
We never walk alone. To where?  I don't know. But when we keep on walking together, we come, sooner or later, at our final destination.

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