
Donnerstag, 4. Juli 2013

Mr Roboto

The last few weeks we are overloaded with the new high tech issues, google glass and apple iwatch
Gooogle Glass is already, the glasses that make your eyes part of your computing devices and apples' I watch, still unrevealed, will come soon as well.

Where are we going to? How much we let our lives being  directed by robots, or, to name it, by google, apple and co?
Because that is what happens, when we buy those new devices. We lay our lifes in hands of companies that want to get profit of it.
With the huge discussions and shocks about the data-spy from the US, it seems that we all the sudden want to protect our privacy even more.
And at the same time we give all our privacy away.  In foutsquare we share the moment that we check in our hotel, or where we have dinner, and with who. With runkeeper we show how fit we are, or how much we walk, with dropbox we give an almost live view of where we are, and with a bit of luck we can picture a (bad) accident and post it as one of the first at Twitter or Facebook.

I think we should be happy with the all seeing glasses and the all registrating watches. It will safe us a lot of work to exposure every step that we make, every move that we take, they'll be watching us.
Privacy?  Dont let me laugh, none of us wants it!

Read the article

and in the meantime hear this clip

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