
Donnerstag, 13. Dezember 2018

the city in christmas mood

The city is a long time already in christmas mood, but I not really.  Today, for the first time, I walked over the local christmas market, and I will return to this cute tiny place soon, for some evening photos. 

Here are a few photos of my walk of today, more you can find at my photo site --> Klik here for more christmas photos <-- .="" br="" come="" more="" nbsp="" soon="" will="">
Merry Christmas! 

Entrance to the Münsterplatz, with the beautiful Quirinus Church, guarding over the city

Dienstag, 11. Dezember 2018

An early walk

What happens when you are early out of the house, in the middle of the witer, and you are greeted with  sunshine and blue sky?

I could not resist, and made a few photos with the Powershot, what was in my coat.  I love that tiny thing, enjoy the photos.

Very much me

So, I think that I finally found my (new)  destination for this blog.

I will go to use it as a (good) alternative for the other social media, for all instead of Facebook.

More and more people do not feel happy with Facebook. Insecure, Sensorship, the shameful bullying and all that jazz.

I will go to share my photography, links and all in this blog, and pick the best of both worlds.

And, if tomorrow I decide elsewise, then no one needs to lecture me about it.  Because this is my blog. And, other then in many social media, I control what is in it. :)

Also, expect a lot of nudity.. Umm I mean.. nature.  Never seen an animal with clothes on, right?  :)

And expect me.  Chaos, and everything else what belongs to me.

Get it on!

Montag, 26. November 2018


It is again about Facebook.  Because FB has become a part of our world, for the moment, until it will be wiped out by something new.

One of the 'hot items'  at facebook is that you can value posts.  So, when your friends write something, that better should have remain in private (like food, like -grandchildren, like emotional bashes), you can react at the author of the message.  Thumbs ub, like.

You can even buy likes at internet. Not only prvate persons do so, but as well it is done by questinable parties, mainly out of the 'ultra right wing'.  Buy your success, and let your money be paid by some rich, invisible, investors.

In my world of photgraphy, likes are very much liked as well.  Especially at Instagram, but at Facebook too. The more likes, the more 'evidence' for a proper photo.
Well, at least that is what some think.

I should not be me, when I think a tiny bit different 8-)

For me a 'like'  is nice, but not important.  I know that there are people that use a like as a check, to make sure that they have seen the post.  People can do as they want, so that's all right with me.

What makes it valueble for me, to post (photos, poetry, rubbish :)), is, when at a moment someon writes a message (yes... that is more then two words), telling that they enjoy what I posted.
Or that they like a certain photo.

That is what makes me continueing with posting. Knowing that some people like it, is not related at the thumb, but at the reaction of a human being, as we used to do.

I try it as well, to give more then a like, when I am really liking things. It is good, to take your time (if you have it), to react, instead of clicking.  With a reaction, you all the sudden transfer yourself in ahuman, who interacts with another person.  Wow!  I like that!

Donnerstag, 8. November 2018


Every now and then I get a bit irritated by people, that find it necessary, to point to my bad German.grammar.
As if I don't know it by myself! Geesh!

Instead of staying with the subject, and trying to understand what I write, 'those people' find it funny (or need) to tell me that I should work at my language. Well, I am not discussing in photogroups,to get my master, either in German, English or in chinese.

And when I am joining a discussion, no matter what, I do not need to hear about my lack of knowledge of the language, as long as we are able to talk, ask and react at each other, we all can reach a point on what we do understand each other.
I love to learn, and I love to be corrected, and I know sweet people who do so, if needed (you know who you are <3 ...="" 4="" :="" a="" about="" advice="" air.="" amd="" and="" anymore="" as="" ask="" b="" be="" before="" better="" beware="" but="" by="" can="" class="separator" cook="" correct="" don="" effort="" end="" explain="" feel="" finger="" first="" for="" funny="" good="" got="" grateful="" help="" helpful="" helping="" how="" hurted="" i="" if="" in="" is="" it.="" it="" joke="" just="" kindly="" kiss="" know.="" l="" langauges="" language....="" language.="" language="" lasagna="" lessons.="" like="" long="" make="" making="" me="" middle="" mind="" my="" myself.="" need="" never="" not="" of="" okay="" on="" oody="" opposite.="" over.="" p="" persons="" pointing="" ranting.="" reacht="" really="" remarks="" right.="" say="" should="" so="" someone="" style="clear: both; text-align: center;" such="" swear="" t="" take="" talk="" tell="" that="" the="" thing="" those="" time="" to="" try="" trying="" use="" very="" we="" what="" when="" will="" wirtes="" wonderful.="" word="" you="" yours="">

Samstag, 3. November 2018


Who knows me a bit, knows, that I am not always good in tact, and diplomatic words.

I am emotional, and I am standing for what I think, even when that means that I am the only one.

People like me for that, people hate me for that, and that is very good, I do not want to be friends with everyone. For me a 'happy limited circle'  means more then zillions of dust corns in space.

Some people do not like me, and they are questioning my friends, why they are still friends with me, even when I have such a strong opinion.
And when someone calls me a hard liner, they might be true in it!  You not need to tell me what to do, or what not!
If I do not want to see a Queen movie, it will not help when you say that it is an awesome movie. It might even help more, if you say that you not like all the parts of it.

People can name me names, that is fine.  The people who know me,  who I really am, give me names as well. And those names, I cherish.  I love it, when you call me planet, satty, hansi(e), well, you know the names yourself :)
And I do not walk away when we disagree. I even can call you a bad name, and still be friends.  And I think it is because we are friends, that we can call each other that way.   I remember, my very dear friend who calls me b@stard, and I called him Idiot :) Or when someone calls you Bert, and you tell him he is Ernie.
Call me a hard liner, and I prove you that I am not.  But only when you are a friend. Someone who I trust.
And if you call me a hard liner, because you do not want to hurt the person that dislikes me, then you might not be a friend of me, even when you believe you are.

Pfew.  I go to post this, and then go to sleep. I will see if this makes sense, tomorrow.  The delete button is not far away.  :)


Dienstag, 23. Oktober 2018


I discussed it often here,  and I do it again.

It's about friends.

Friends at Facebook. The counter is aver 400, at the moment.  Seriously?  So many friends?  Wow...

Well, I can bring arguements, why some people are on it. Some have double accounts, some are there because they are 'sharing the same hobby or intrests.  And some at the list are there, because they are real.
I notice the difference, that I miss them, when they are not around, that I leave (and get) a message, now and then.   They are there, just like that. And I am there, for them, as well.

That latest category, are the people where I live for, where I care for. That are also the poeple, that I do NOT let go, wehn they do something what, in my eyes, is wrong.  I dare to say to them, that they are idiots (in this case I used a more bad word, lol).  Not to shock them, or to tell them to back off.  No, this is for real. Because I care. Because they hurt, with their behavior.  And no, I will NOT be nice to you, when I do not feel like. Because... you are my friend!  I trust you so much, that I dare to be true to you. When I disagree with you, you will know it!  As much as I expect from you, that you say when something that I do, is not going well. It's okay!
 It hurts, a bit, but I know why it happens, and in the end I can be grateful that you did act to me this way.  Or, like now, that I did tell you that!   Now, with the things all back into peace, you said thank you.  Well, you not need to be grateful, for me swearing at you, as long as you know that I think different then you!

When someone posts photos on line, with a person on it, that is really someone, that I can not stand, for very good reasons, then that hurts. Then I can tell the other, don't post that anymore, it hurts me. It is up to the other, to see if he wants to delete the photo or not, but I say what I think about it. I do not lie, everyone should know how I think and who I like and who not!  I like the photographer, but not the person he made photos of! And that will not change, even when (coincidence or not) I met the subject at the poto, and said hello to him (and he said it back). Nooooooooo way. Some people are not done.  And I will never say a bad word about that person, in public. Just becasuse I do not care enough, he is not worth a fight.
Other then friends, they are worth it!

I think that this is the best way to live together. Be clear to the other. Dare to say the trutth. Do not be afraid for loosing the other.  how many friends at your 'friends list'  at facebook, you can say such, without loosing them?   If I look to my list, I am sure that I might loose more as half of the people, if I did so.  Maybe I should :) :)

Dienstag, 16. Oktober 2018

No Hate

I think we all agree.

No hate should be normal. No one should need to out himself, to spaak that we want no hate.
Unfortunately some world leaders are using it as arguement, to gain their power.  They violate against people that they think that are weak, to gain their own strength.  Not only rude and unfair, but dumb as well.

When some 'so called leaders'  do such, and get (short term) success with it, it is not strange that people to the same.  There is always someone, or something, that we not agee with and hate is much more easy then a dialogue.

What to do, if people, that you see daily, preach hate?
Do I hate people?

I hate racism. I hate nazism. And a lot more, what I hate.
People that  stand for Nazism, Racism, for disrepect, are supporting a system that I hate.  I don't want that. I do want everyone to know that I do NOT support those ideas.
Consequently I can not be friends with such people.
I can not be friends with people that disrespect others, for where they come from, who they are.

And, if we meet, on line, in groups, I will make crystal clear that I hate their ideas.
When I meet those people in the street, I will not let my anger go at them.  I refuse to use violence against them.
I meet them, I know who they are, the self announced patriots, the nazis, the reichsbürger, the scum.
But they are, just like we all, living here. I will show them where I stand for, and that I do NOT make compromises.
I will  greet those persons, friendly, but from a distance.  When possible, I will not share a table with them. And if, I will be clear in my position, against hate, against discurimination, and so more.

The biggest problem are not the people, in the street, but the ideas, that they try to realize.  We not need to blame others, to point to them as the cause of evil. Therefore we have  the law.
We need people that work, together, and show that the only way to live together, is to work together.
I want to have that chance.  And I am willing to fight for this freedom, for all of us.

Love is the answer.  Not hate.

Montag, 8. Oktober 2018

Do not accept ...


It is that time again. The hoaxes fly like falling leaves through Facebook, and so many join the nonsense.

Do not accept a friendship request from me, this is my only account.

People....   relax :)

It sometimes happens, that people try to copy accounts from others, true. And then this message is legal and needed.  I had the same, at a moment that someone used my name and id.  There are ways to get that solved.
Further, you  should not underestimate your friends. People can see when you are active, and with what account. When people make a new account,  just  communicate shortly in private messages, to find out who is who.

The present Facebook storm repeats itselves every few months. It is not only irritating, to find  many times the same message in the 'news feed', but it is as well not needed.  Use such messages, if you are 100 percent sure that it s happening to you.
Do not use it 'just to be safe'.  Because spreading this cr..p, makes others taking your warnings less serious.   You will get less response when you really need it.

Think.. write your post (don't copy!!!), and think again, if you really need to post it.

Donnerstag, 4. Oktober 2018

World animal day

October 4th, world animal day.

And how do we celebrate that?

When I was a young kid, I had little idea about it. In school the teacher showed us an animal, or we went to visit an animal zoo (most likely the cache with parkeets in the park).
Then already I did not like animals that are cached up, but I had no nightmares about it.
When my children were young, this day was always special.  The children brought their animal in school, and they became a favorite snack.
Now I think, maybe the animals got into stress, from this, but for the children, it was a good moment to realize that they have pets and that they  love animals.  And our cats never had really  traumas because of it :)

Nowadays, I see more and more people 'celebrating'  world animal day with petitions and suggestions, like 'No meat today'.  
Okay.. Everyone can hav his/her own opinion in this.   Ehm. that should be the end of this blog... and that is booooring, so I add my opinion about that.

It irritates me, when people put up that kind of reminders.
I think that we should have a free choice, in how we live. When we want to eat meat, fine, when not, also fine. For both optiions there are legal arguements!

A World Animal Day is good. Not only to celebrate your own animals, but as well to take a look at the animals that are not this lucky and live under horrible circumstances.  Not only in 'meat factories', but for example, in exiles in Rumania (and all over the world), where  the conditions are heartbraking and the live of the pets is horrible.

And of course this all needs attention, and I should wish that everyone takes care, then it should not happen.  There are many ways to support animal protection and the best ways are, when people help,  it is in our nature.

I dislike organisations like PETA, who use violence to gain their targets.  For me the 'eat no meat' (and similar petitions are compareable with this violence.  They do not convice anyone from changing their attitude to animals!

Everybody should have his or her own choice to help.  Just DO it!  Support your local Animal rescue, donate for castrations of wild cats and dogs,
Eat less meat, buy from local butchers.  But if you only do it today, then you can leave it, it is useless! Think before you buy your food.
Realize that when you buy 1 kilo of Spare Ribs, that it most likely means that the animal has not have a great llfe.  At our local Butcher it costs double, but you may know where it comes from, and that the welfare of the animals is proved (and guaranteed).  Yes, then I take half a kilo of it, that won't hurt me.  A bit more money for your meal, and a much more healthy piece of food at your plate, is a good alternative.

And in the mean time.  Give your dog or cat  that extra treat, today. (is it vegan?  Just asking.. for a fiend :-D )
  I am sure he will love it much more then when you dress him with a party hat, because that gives you some  likes.

The plan is to eat a hamburger tonight.  And I delete the messages that tell me to eat no meat today.  Because I care!

Sonntag, 30. September 2018

One Night stand

We are living in a crazy world.

I do not knkow if it is much different then, say, 20, 30 years ago, or longer, but since we are able to know literarily everything what happens in the world, we get a load more information as well.

In my youth (what is longer ago then 30 years, lol), we did not hear too much about what was happening in the world. Yes, we had television, I remember the murders at Martin Luter King and JFK very well, as well as the landing on the moon.
Later I also read the conspiracy theories about it.

This morning, the social madia are full about the love declaration, of a man who calls himself president (I refuse to mention his name!), and the leader of North Korea (ditto).
He wrote me such beautiful letters, I fell in love with him.

What a shout out huh?

And what a moment to do so.
Short before the ellections in the US, this idiot is tellng things that no one  can (or shall) prove, as he is doing always.
The sexist, rapist, and homophobist, now declares his love for a man. A man that does not give a sh...t about what the so called leader of the US is doing.

Agent Orange is a man who constantly proves that he hates feminism, hates gay people, hates people that opposite him, and who not even notice that the world is not taking him serious, when all UNO leaders laugh him out.
And that disgusting person, now tries to find sympathy with the layer of the population, that he has doomed the past years?  Look to the facts, who he wans to  be not serving the army!  Exactly.

Don't believe the propaganda. This joker is exactly what he is. A laugh. No one in the world takes him serious.

To return to my micro world. I sadly have experiencced how it is to be friends with a narcist (what this fake leader is as well).  They are not capable to see their own mistakes. It is always the other, to blame,. It makes their own world a bit more easy.  But it makes the world of their friends, and who really cares, to a hell.

Enough said.
I want you all to be happy. Love each other. But do not fake it, because, sooner or later, you will be kicked off and leave others in a very sad  way behind.

Mittwoch, 26. September 2018


Regurarily I read statements of people, at Facebook, in what people explain their behavior.

The content varies, and can often be resumed in.. I do it my way, because I am me, and if you don't like that, you don't like me.

Often this is followed by an advice (unfriend me, before I unfriend you)

And two months later, a similar post comes. Other words, same content. Most likely, it is dedicated to someone else, the name of thad boy/girl is not revealed (what is good).

I love freedom.

I always wish others to be free to speak out their mind as well. Respectful, of course, and no hate or racism, you know what I mean.
And I use that freedom as well. I am aware that I now and then am not very tactical, and say things that others do not want to hear or see. You always have the choice, to  read what I write, or not. And if you do, then realize who writes it, and what it really means.
Being friends with me brings the risk that you read more about how I think and how I am, then when we are not friends.
I decide myself, who I want as friends at Facebook, and who not. If  you block me, go ahead!
If I don't want to read what you write, then I will make sure that I am no friends with you.  I do not want to have friends, that are just around for curiousity.   I know some, at the social media, are only there to 'look'  at me.  That are not friends. Therefore I can delete them with  a click, and forget them forever.

Don't torture yourself with therathening others with penatlies.  Just do it!  And if not, then acccept the person the way (s)he is. Until the moment that you change your mind.  And that is no one elses' business then yours.


Vergeht es euch nicht auch so?

Samstag, 31. März 2018

Ostermarsch 1018 Für Frieden

Dieses Jahr war ich zum 1. mal dabei, habe mitgelaufen vom Obertor bis zum Bahnhof.  Ich war angenehm überraswcht von der Menge von Leuten die mitgemacht haben.  Wirklich aus jeder Bevölkerungsgruppe waren Menschen dabei.
Bilder findest du auf meinen Fotoseite
Klck hier

Neuss stehr für Frieden
Und ichselber füge da noch an zu
Das ist gut, so!

Mittwoch, 7. März 2018

In the city

When you go to the city and
.. want to pick up the camera, what is reparird and the repair department is closed. Finding a helpful retailer that digs it up for me anyway.

-- get the advice to not buy a supply, because it is too expensive, the salesman takes effort and explains price and alternatives.  Going to the 'alternative shop, where the salesman looks as if I ask something disgusting, mumbles, we not sell that and makes me feel like leaving the shop right away (what I did!)

--  going to a 3rd shop, where the 'alternative'  is, and even soled as a bargain. Saved over 30 Euro.

-- running cheerful to the chocolate store (Lindt), ask the lady if they have coconut choclate,  get rewarded wit an alternative, and a big smile, who tells that they are available after Easter, again.
-- When buying too much chocolate, getting  one for free at the cash deck. :)

-- when the woman at the bakery desk smiles when she guts a piece of the wrong cake for you

-- when the grocery seller puts up a handful of salad extra, because I paid with coins money.

--  when the tram holds on for 15 minutes and no one is telling what is going to happen. Doors locked, ambulance and police passing by.  Hopefully the lady is doing well again, after her drop of the tram-stairs.

When you are finally home and realize that you did not forget ANY THING at all today ..

When you realize that you know why you are smiling

Dienstag, 27. Februar 2018

Ein neu(e)s Dokument

Ein neues Blog, aber es ist noch leer.

Keine Angst. Da kommt so ein und ander dazu.

Und es wird ein paar Leute nicht gefällen.  Was nicht schlimm ist, weil die Leute mag ich nicht.  Es gibt einfach keinen Platz in Deutschland für hass und Diskriminnation.


Der Betreiber von Nüssbook,  mag es nicht das kritisch über seine Gruppe geschrieben wird.  Jedoch, immer mehr Menschen kotzen von der Gruppe, und möchten nicht das die Gruppe mit den Neussern liiert wird.

Also, wenn ich meine Bewertung geschrieben habe, auf eine Support Gruppe (gegen Nüssb.) haben sie sich mühe gemacht und FaceBook hat die Bewertung wieder geläscht.

Natürlich mache ich dann eine neue Bewertung.

Hans Friedhoff
 · vor 13 Minuten
Weißt ihr was die beste Anerkennung ist?
Wenn die Nüssdings die mühe nehmen um deine Bewertung löschen zu lassen!

Danke, für alle mühe die hier gemacht wird. Danke, das Neuss hier zeigt das es reicht mit was dort auf den Nüssdings Gruppe passiert. Keiner möchtet das mehr.

Nur einen handvoll Leute, und ihren dutzenden fake Accounts, versuchen hartnäckig alle kritik zu löschen.
Nüssbook ist nicht mehr von der Neusser, aber von ein paar Radikalen, die ... uppsss. jetzt soll ich schweigen, ansonsten wird dieses wieder gelöscht.

Mach weiter so, Bullshit und Fründe, Neuss ist STOLZ auf euch!

Weiter gibt es ene 'Barsch', die denkt das sie glaübwürdig ist.  Wir wissen besser und vertraue ihr nicht. Und schaue mal wer es geföllt.

01 03. Es geht weiter.
Während Busted voll mit Hassreden steht, aber von allen ignoriert wird, geht der NB seite fleißig weiter und enttarnt immer mehr Personen aus Nüssbuh.

Das die Nüssbuhers den Gegenseite noch immer nervt, zeigt man mit diesen Post.

Neue fake Name?  Oder eine neue Rechtse Racker?

Sonntag, den  4 März.

Es rührt sich in Nüssdings.

Eine neue Admin.  Wolfgang Schmitz Hauptaccunt ist aus der Gruppe,  Sein Jerry Fletcher Account ist von Facebook gesperrt.

Coming soon!

Donnerstag, 15. Februar 2018

The enemy

In a world, where political leaders become more and more dictators, and preach hate and destruction, we are constantly confrontated with hate and people who tell us who aour enemies are, and how to destruct them.

The idea, to repeat those words until others start to believe them, is already old. The problem, with a free internet is, that people can post a lot without that the things are moderated. What also means that it gest pretty hard to see the different between reality and the war propaganda.

Disagreement and fear are the excuses why countries encourage weapon production, and what is a production when there are no customers for it.
When your country has a twisted fundamental right for posessing weapons, then you can not be surprised when those weapons are used as well.

Guns, in any form, are made to kill, and not to defend!   When you think that that is the way to feel saver, then you are wrong, because not only you will use the weapens, the one yyou disagree with uses it as well. So you both will be the looser, in the end, because you create not a solution, you only eliminate the problem for the moment, until it shows up again.

TV and internet show the access of weapons.  They also show (as long as it is not censored), the things that can happen when you use weapons. War is a thing we are used to.  And when there is a country where in 2 months about 20 shoot outs at school take place, you must seriously ask yourself what you want to do to make that changing again.
If you think promoting hate is the answer, you get a kind of 'kill them all', and give yourself a reason to use violence and weapons.
If you take away the weapons, and force the people to talk with each other, to take their own responsibility, then you save not only lifes, but you also start to return to where it is all about.

Living together - instead of killing eachother
Listen to eachother - instead of hate
Love eachother, because we all live at this planet, and there is no one who really wants a weapon to be shot

Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2018

Facing the dark

Wehn we look with open eyes to the world, we know that there is a huge cloud hanging above us. It rapidly grows and takes away the sunshine and respect for eachother.  Instead it will bring hate, fear, and fight. Consequently no good for anything, just for the weapon industry.

People have thoughts about how they can make the world better.
The problem comes when people live at that world, and have different ideas of the world that they live in.
Some people consider the world around them as the world.  They want to build a wall around it, so that no one can come in.
Their world  is restricted to power and getting as much as possible from 'the rest of the world'.  They say that there are others, who are responsible for that they can not get all they want, and they want to get rid of them.  Some call it refugees, some call it coloured people, some call it the people that are not fitting in their system.  Go work, instead of producing art. Go work for me, instead of working for your own world.

People shall try to convince others, that what they do is the proper way, the only proper way. And who not fits in their system, is useless. Consequently can be treated as if they not exist, deportated out of the country, or simply not getting the chance to educate or finding the job that they are good in.

This dark cloud will grow. We only need to read the history books, to see what will happen. That is, as long as history is not rewritten and as long as the truth (from the past) is allowed. Because in the past is the future.
We can learn from history, that, sooner or later, the repression, the agression, will loose. It might last long, but the resistance will always win.  Hate will always be beaten by love.

Knowing that, makes me strong to resist. There are so many people who are not willing to wait until the darkness is complete. And those people, are in the end, the people what are the source for the disappearance of the darkness.  They will be the light, when it is dark.  No matter how hard 'they' try to switch off the light, the light of love and care can not be destroyed.  So, there will be a day, that life is bright again. It is good possible that we will not see much of it. But our children, our grandchildren, they will see it. Just like we see the light, for what our grandparents have fought. It will cost something, but it is worth to fight for.

Don't repay hate with hate. Don't give others what they want you to give them. Think by yourself. Read a book, find people around you who think like you.  Be nice, and replace the hate with the smile. You not need to be afraid, no one can take away the hope  in your heart.  Be there, for the ones that you love. They are there, for who they love. Because, even the darkest monsters, somewhere, have a heart as well. And no matter how hard they try to deny it, they know, as well as we, that love will win.
So, why not join the winners?  Ever seen winners in a war?  Let's be good for eachother. We are worth it!

Montag, 29. Januar 2018

Photography - the wedding

Today I read, at a photo forum, a discussion about wedding photography.

Someone told that he was asked to do the photography at the wedding of the sister of his best friend.  He was pretty excited about it and he wrote about it while he wanted to know some helpful hints.

I must say, the poor guy it is!

The thread soon did split into two camps.
One camp were the people that were telling him not to do it, and leave it to a professional. Basically the reasons were, that professionals can do it better, have better equipment and experience. A few were suggesting that he should ask to come with the professional, to learn a few of his skills and get experience.

The other camp were the people that said, nice, why not!  The ideas that came from there were, watch how others did it, look at the location, be sure that your camera is okay, if possible take a 2nd camera, or a 2nd person, as a backup.

It all became a huge discussion in what none of the camps were willing to see what the other was suggesting.

When I read it, I shook my head, and agreed with a posting that told, geesh, it is not a surgery or so, no life essential things are involved.  Okay, a wedding  is not a thing that happens so often, so it is bet to be well prepared, but hey... come on, the wedding is more important than the photography. 

You can guess what camp I support.  Everyone who makes photos, now and then gets this question, and should consider if (s)he is willing to do this, or not.

I should say, when you feel insecure and not sure you can make it, then leave it to others.
When you want to be the 2nd man, behind a professional, then ask yourself what a professinal should do. Should he want an unexperienced person, that looks behind the scene and then, eventually, later takes over the shootings that he now so hard worked on to get?
And when you say, yes, nice, I love to do it, let's hope at good weather, then go for it.  Prepare, try to see examples and get ideas in your head what you want to do.  Talk with the people involved, also the wedding couple, and eventually your photography parner. Find out as much as possible about the location.  I know from experience, that such will be a long and intensive day.  

When people ask me, would you photograph our wedding, I definitely would say yes, why not!  And then talk, so that both parties know what they are up to.  They should know that it is me, making the photos, and therefore as well know my thoughts and ideas.

Often people make it too difficult and too complicated.  Photography is wonderful, and no, not everyone is as good as others, that is a fact. But I think that counts  for both professionals, as well as for hobby photographsers.

The photo, here, is from my first wedding shoot, what was a very good experience, and a beautiful day.

Freitag, 26. Januar 2018

Over my d... body

As always, that man with orange hair, makes me shaking my head.

How wrong must his view of the world be, when he now invites investors to invest in America?

Investing in a country, that is lead by the most irreliable and unstable leader ever?

Watch out, companies that are going to do this. Your investment is an investment in discrimination. Your money is an investment in war, hate, and against all the things that the world considers as impoortant.
Investing in America, now, means that you support the killing of our environment. You support the killing of the oceans, and you support the killing of many, many innocent people. You also are then responsible for the bigger gap between rich and poor.  I am not good in math, but when the big majority of people is suffering, then it is only a matter of time, before some stand up and say that 'we are not going to take it'.

Best investments can be made, when you know what you get into return.

Considering what I wrote here, I think that there are a few companies that do not care at all about people, and are only intrested in (short time) money. No matter how many victims.
War industry, Oil industry, Banks.  The evil of all.

Listen to the voice of the people..  They don't want that.  And soon, you will notice it, because we stand united. We resist, every day a bit louder

Mittwoch, 17. Januar 2018

The clown and social media

Oh, how boring, again something about social media. As if not all is written about it already.

Some things, however, can not be repeated, or put in the spotlight, often enough.

We all know that the social media are a pretty important medium, in our world. We can ignore it, but the fact that there are so many people using it, means that we can not fade it away.

Many popular people use Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to profile theirselves, to promote their activities.  Some are beter in it then others.
Even the leader of the USA is using it.  Maybe no one knows what he is doing, but everyone knows he is using Twitter, and his list of followers is immense.

Followers can follow for several reasons. One is that they support the ideas of the person, or his intrests.  Another one is that folowers think that they are showing support, when they follow someone. Another reason is curiosity.  Maybe some people even follow others to see when the other makes mistakes, bloopers or whatever, so that they can nail them for their own profit/followers.

When someone is permanently in the spotlight, then the social media can help to spread his ideas. Even when we dislike what he is doing and saying, we still can make jokes about it, by saying how stupid he is.
But when he keeps on telling himself, and his fololowers, that he is the greatest, and that all others are fake, or sh!t,  then at least a few people shall take that for granted.
When the first provocations come, the fololowers might be shocked.  When the provocations continue (read, when he does not give a sh.....t  about what others think), there comes a point that it gets boring, no one finds it funny anymore. And the clown can continue his sick jokes, his horrible decissions, without that anyone takes notice of it.

The danger might be clear.  The longer the poison isspread, the more people get immume for it and the more people will just strug. Oh, it is him again.
At the other side, more and more people will be victim of the sick jokes.  A year ago the world was shocked, that the leader in America wanted foreigners out.  Now the deportations are not even getting news attention anymore,  they are common and happening daily.

Learn the lesson in this. Do NEVER accept things that hurt or disadvantage others.  Do NOT accept hate, do NOT accept racism or sexism, not even as joke.  It is NOT funny, and it is a true  threat for us all.

Be genuine. Be nice to others.  Hate returns hate. Smiles return smiles.  Choose wise, becauuse in the end I do not think that there are many people who really want to live in a world of hate.

Love, because love is life