
Donnerstag, 4. Oktober 2018

World animal day

October 4th, world animal day.

And how do we celebrate that?

When I was a young kid, I had little idea about it. In school the teacher showed us an animal, or we went to visit an animal zoo (most likely the cache with parkeets in the park).
Then already I did not like animals that are cached up, but I had no nightmares about it.
When my children were young, this day was always special.  The children brought their animal in school, and they became a favorite snack.
Now I think, maybe the animals got into stress, from this, but for the children, it was a good moment to realize that they have pets and that they  love animals.  And our cats never had really  traumas because of it :)

Nowadays, I see more and more people 'celebrating'  world animal day with petitions and suggestions, like 'No meat today'.  
Okay.. Everyone can hav his/her own opinion in this.   Ehm. that should be the end of this blog... and that is booooring, so I add my opinion about that.

It irritates me, when people put up that kind of reminders.
I think that we should have a free choice, in how we live. When we want to eat meat, fine, when not, also fine. For both optiions there are legal arguements!

A World Animal Day is good. Not only to celebrate your own animals, but as well to take a look at the animals that are not this lucky and live under horrible circumstances.  Not only in 'meat factories', but for example, in exiles in Rumania (and all over the world), where  the conditions are heartbraking and the live of the pets is horrible.

And of course this all needs attention, and I should wish that everyone takes care, then it should not happen.  There are many ways to support animal protection and the best ways are, when people help,  it is in our nature.

I dislike organisations like PETA, who use violence to gain their targets.  For me the 'eat no meat' (and similar petitions are compareable with this violence.  They do not convice anyone from changing their attitude to animals!

Everybody should have his or her own choice to help.  Just DO it!  Support your local Animal rescue, donate for castrations of wild cats and dogs,
Eat less meat, buy from local butchers.  But if you only do it today, then you can leave it, it is useless! Think before you buy your food.
Realize that when you buy 1 kilo of Spare Ribs, that it most likely means that the animal has not have a great llfe.  At our local Butcher it costs double, but you may know where it comes from, and that the welfare of the animals is proved (and guaranteed).  Yes, then I take half a kilo of it, that won't hurt me.  A bit more money for your meal, and a much more healthy piece of food at your plate, is a good alternative.

And in the mean time.  Give your dog or cat  that extra treat, today. (is it vegan?  Just asking.. for a fiend :-D )
  I am sure he will love it much more then when you dress him with a party hat, because that gives you some  likes.

The plan is to eat a hamburger tonight.  And I delete the messages that tell me to eat no meat today.  Because I care!

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