
Mittwoch, 26. September 2018


Regurarily I read statements of people, at Facebook, in what people explain their behavior.

The content varies, and can often be resumed in.. I do it my way, because I am me, and if you don't like that, you don't like me.

Often this is followed by an advice (unfriend me, before I unfriend you)

And two months later, a similar post comes. Other words, same content. Most likely, it is dedicated to someone else, the name of thad boy/girl is not revealed (what is good).

I love freedom.

I always wish others to be free to speak out their mind as well. Respectful, of course, and no hate or racism, you know what I mean.
And I use that freedom as well. I am aware that I now and then am not very tactical, and say things that others do not want to hear or see. You always have the choice, to  read what I write, or not. And if you do, then realize who writes it, and what it really means.
Being friends with me brings the risk that you read more about how I think and how I am, then when we are not friends.
I decide myself, who I want as friends at Facebook, and who not. If  you block me, go ahead!
If I don't want to read what you write, then I will make sure that I am no friends with you.  I do not want to have friends, that are just around for curiousity.   I know some, at the social media, are only there to 'look'  at me.  That are not friends. Therefore I can delete them with  a click, and forget them forever.

Don't torture yourself with therathening others with penatlies.  Just do it!  And if not, then acccept the person the way (s)he is. Until the moment that you change your mind.  And that is no one elses' business then yours.

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