
Montag, 17. Mai 2021

The land of confusion

 And you know, that my middlename is Chaos, right?

I can do with chaos, at least when it is my chaos.  I can handle, if I have to correct things, or if I accidentically sent out a mail what was not meant to be... I can handle when I forget things, or mix names up.

But, what when others create chaos, and I am part of the chaos?  
Then I get confused, a bit irritated, but not enough to get angry.   I am confused then, and I withdraw myself a bit from the situation.  As in a kind of helicopter view, 

When I do so, I can see what happens, and often it ends with a smile.
Often I have the patience, to lean back and to wait a bit.
How often it happens, that the 'problem'  then solves itselves?
Such as that unexpected phone calls, this weekend.  I was surprised, why sshould my doctor wants to speak me in the weekend?  
So, I rold myself, I should go there today, to clear the things up.
And, at the moment I took my coat on, to go, it was raining so hard, that I waited.. Then my phone rang, and I not needed to go anymore.  Problem solved :) 

And of coure I lauged about myself. I have been making unneccesary thoughts, and then...all the sudden, none of that thoughts were legal.   I was trapped by my troll.. 

I did not just put him in the corner, now. I banned him out of our house, and hopefully for a longer time out of my head.

I went for the daily shoppings, and then ended up in a cold rain shower.  I laughed about it, and felt refreshed.  

Have I learned my lesson?   You will find out, in next blogs :)

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