
Sonntag, 16. Mai 2021

Meh day

 It is longer ago, that I did have such a day like today, and I don't like it.

I call it a meh day. 

 It is not only a strange phone call, what made me wondering wtf is going to happen, and it looks like it is going to be a mystery until tomorrow.

It is not only because I am worried.

It is not only, because I was  planning to make a nice walk and, like yesterday, it was more hiding for rain and shower, then that there was fun.

Well,  not be worried, life will go on, I will feel better, soon, I know, but I allow myself a Meh Day. We all deserve a Meh Day, now and then, don't we?  It is not bad, to feel Meh now and then. We have the right to  feel Meh, even when we are not sheep. 

Usually photography helps the meh to disappear, but, when the weather is like the past few days, it is just meh, and not much fun. There are plenty of challenges, in the photography, the coming days, and I like that, but hey, the circumstances must be good too!

Now wait a minute, Hans, what are you doing now?  Are you really giving the 'troll'  a voice again? Do you really listen to that 'worst scenrio' voice, that is not even telling the truth?  
You put 'the troll' so nicely in the corner, and now this?
No way!

So, this is all a warning to me.  Even when I feel good and things are looking well, that Troll is still there. Waiting in a dark corner. Waiting to come out, when he feels that he can win.
Today, he lost.
Just in time I  went to write a little bit.
And hey,  the mysterious phone call not necesarrily needs to bring bad news!  In the worst case, some things are just delayed.
And hey, between the (bad) showers the sun was shining, just like it is doing right now!
And, even with the few photos, they were not all bad!

Sigh.. Meh. 
No.  No Meh.   Not a yay,  but definitely not a naye either.
More like.. take a new breath, and the show..... will go on!

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