
Sonntag, 30. Juni 2013

Oh NO! :(

A few days ago US law FINALLY did make a step forward in the equal treatment of homosexual people, and it was shown world wide.

Now today, I ran into this article, by accident.

Strange enough I have not seen many words about this until now. While in fact this is much more important news for the world.

Russians President Putin wants it to be forbidden to encorage even TALKS about homosexuality, and the excuse for it is to protect the children.

Holy fucking hell, what is that Putin dong?  Who is not with him is against him...
I fear the day comes that religion becomes a crime too, I see the transports to the camps in siberia.

Say this aint true!  Say that we can stop those f cking discrimanation!

Click on this line to read a short atrticle about what Putin is wanting to do

I am off a bit.  I need a bucket to puke.  Please let a gay hug me :)

Samstag, 29. Juni 2013

Good or bad

Never a boring day in life, they say, but you need to see it first before you know it.

Today was supposed to be the day to say farewell to Mafiawars, the game that did involve most of my days in the past 4 years. Hmm... I dont know if I should write that down here, luckily not many people read this, elsewise  I  should be locked up by men in white coats for a long time. LOL:

Anyway.  I had annouced already that I should stop the game, and today was the day that I should leave the family I did play with for the last time.  So, this morning I did log in for the last time at the group page, and was a bit sad about it, because, yea, you take you leave, and of course there are a few people that I will miss.
How wrong it was to look into the group!  

I was confrontated by the message of someone who did announce her goodbye, weeks ago, and now all the sudden did decide to stay.  I am realy happy for the group, but it is pretty weird. Me walking out the door and she walking back in at the same moment.
I could get suspicious about it and take it as a personal matter.

I did. How COULD she?  And as usual I needed to air my anger in a way. The music, and the Facebook were my loyal listeners this time and now, a few hours later, I am feeling relaxed and okay with it all. When it was a personal matter against me, it is clear and fine. I mean, I dont need to communicate further with this person and if this is her way of saying, glad that you're gone, then fine.
And, if it was not that personal (in the end I am not THAT important!), then it is fine too.

But the incident did me consider again about how people can be. And how much difficulties I have when people do not tell me directly what's on their mind. On the other hand I know how difficult it is for me to tell some others right away what I want as well. So I better should not point to others when I am not much better :)

Anyway, that was the game, game over. New challenges for the good. And for the bad, there is always some good as well.

Mittwoch, 26. Juni 2013


A historical day in the land of the free.
A law did pass in what there are more equal rights for all people, what is, including gay relations.  The world cheers and is happy, but we all know that a larg part of the people in the world do NOT agree with it.

And even at my facebook the truth came up.
Lots of cheers and hopeful messages

And then this picture was posed on what as reaction came: '

is he gay only males have tuss
 What the F CK??????

We can cheer and be happy, yes, but there is a very long way to go.

Ah, nothing new for 'us queenfans'  We are all those 40 years constantly confrontated with people that treat us like we are suffering a strange decease while we LOVE Freddie.

Let's work harder. It is more needed then ever.

Dienstag, 25. Juni 2013

Save me

Yes, I as well have an opinion to share about this tricky subject.

Well, how tricky is it, in fact?

How shocked are we realy that, some person (good or bad) is telling the TRUTH about what is happening behind the (iron) curtains?
It is as if history repeats. And in more then one case the people who did tell the truth are welcomed in countries of the opposite/enemy as heroes.
There is also nothing new in that, when people tell such thngs, there is a strong media offensive, from the local governments, to twist the story back, so that the one who just is showing the leaks, is all the sudden a criminal.

How criminal it is to show how easy it is for so called top secrets to be spread around the world?
Is it criminal to show the world how light hearted governments are treating critical information?
What did we learn in school, when we didnt make our homework correct?  Could we blame the teacher or were we supposed to redo our work until it was good?

There was an artist that did sing that song about politics schmolitics. And he is right (waves to Roger). Politicians, and political intstitutes, are always able to find words so that it looks like they cannot help it. They are the best in twisting words.

See now what did happen with Snowden.
Bood  out in the U.S., while he did show how huge the leaks re with top security info
Secretly supported by China and Russia, for  those countries like to see the spotlights for one time not in their direction but in that of America.

And, everywhere,  'the system'  is able to make 'the people'  believe in their words.
A few weeks ago we were not aware of Mr Snowden. But didnt we know what was happening? Come on...  Enough said about this. I will be posting and reposting this image of annesty international, because it tells so much in just a few words.

The other 'hot news' in the papers is the fact that Berlusconi will be  charged again. This time for having sex with under aged girls. It is for a change, no taxes or what, this time.
When I compare the two bandits, Berlusconi and Snowden, I must say that I am way more scared from the methods of Silvio. And the fact that he, even being guilty, is able to continue his crap.
Na, I dont even have to look that far from home.  here in Germany Mr Bayern München, Uli Hoenneß, who didnt pay his taxes, freely can continue what he is doing. Beware when we, small citicens of the same country, do not pay our taxes in time.

I am sure you know enough examples from your country, from your city as well.
Now where should we be afraid for?

Freitag, 21. Juni 2013

who is going to stop me

o, what a wonderful and inspirational picture this is.

You should almost regret it that there are lines written on it.  But when reading the lines, thinking a moment about it, the full depth of the words came into my mind.

As a good facebook addicted, today it was the time again to defriend someone.  That is (maybe) one of the amazing powers that Facebook gives. You are able to control who you are friends with, and if they say something you dislike, you can punish them in quitting them from your 'friends'  list.
Ha! It's just a name, and in a few years FaceBook is over, friends forgotten but real people, you still have to deal with. If you want or not.

So, maybe people are shocked when I am so hard in my words. maybe some people feel disappointed that I can end friendships so fast.
Well, to be honest, I cannot end friendships!

Those friendships are two different things. People I do know, and with who I disagree, they talk, and I return the talk. They know when my words get hard and I know when their words do more with me. It is all right. Great friendships did start with a fight. I can face people that disagree with me. I know I am not perfect, I know some of my weaknesses, and I need others to point me at some that I tend to forget.
When you discuss, openly, about , for example, your sexual attraction to females bums, okay, do it. I think that there are people who smile about it but I know there are people as well who dislike such. And as for respecting those, I did make my uproar.  Hm, here as well ...

I try to accept other people the way they are, and not to judge them on one particular part of their body.  Even the heart cannot do without the soul.
Dont feel hurted when I put you off from my friends list, that is not what it is about. It is about that you think about what you did do. And no one else is responsible for that then you, yourself.
I dont know yet who is going to stop me from letting me :)

Donnerstag, 20. Juni 2013

Stop those f ckin Nazis

I just read this article, about a 98 years old man that is finally catched again and charged for his cruelties in World War II
GOOD work.  There is no escape. Those should not find rest until their last day on earth.

Please keep him behind bars. No matter how short it will last.

Because we should not forget, and he even less

Mittwoch, 19. Juni 2013

How often did you judge about others the past few days?

When you are as addicted as me to FaceBook, you will know the feeling, that it often is like looking through a huge photo album. With the difference that there are all kind of wisdoms written on the pictures, that most of the time ruin the photo and, now and then. And what to do then?  Indeed repost it, feel exited about the 'likes' and positive reactions.
A nice way to feel better :)
This morning I got stuck in an arguement, in what a person was forcing another to appologize, for somethng that I havent read. Still not.  I did react, the 'evil me' appearantly is awake thanks to the weather..., that I should like to see subjects that are related to what is relevant for that group.  Of course it escalated and now it is that far that there are a few that demand me to appologize too.
So, who knows me knows that that is not working, and that is (for me) the end of the discussion.  Said what is said and, just like in the text pictures, made people thinking about their attitude. And yes, I did think about mine as well

Sometimes it is so easy to post lines, to tell others what to do,  throw some wisdoms to them, and then continue with your own life.  That's  why I often doubt about the integritiy of such pictures.
Now tomorrow I found this one in my mail box.

The picture itselves shows enough. But the guiding line with it, is one that is getting me every day. How often people judge me, without knowing me!  And .. to my shame I must admit, that I sometimes do the same abut others.

How often did you judge about others the past few days?

Don’t get hung up on what your body looks like—focus on what your body can do!

Freitag, 14. Juni 2013

Disgusting - Shocking

/Below my blog is a picture of the victim.  It can be shocking to watch it, keep your childrens' eiyes away.

Very unlike me I want to add here a printout of something that today did reach my Facebook.

It is the story about a horse, that is tortured and has a lot of stitch wounds at the neck.
here in our area, Krefeld, there seems to be a person that has slaughtered this way some animals recently. A sheep, a horse, and most likely he was disturbed before he could finish his job on this horse.

I do not like to post many negative things, and I did read that story in the local papers, friends told me about it, so I knew what was going on.
But seeing this picture was the limit.

How on earth can someone do something?  Okay, the profilers tend to believe that this person has a desease, in what he is showing his 'superiority at animals'.
What is not helping anyone at all.

This man (I assume it is a man, but of course I am not sure) should be catched.  Prison penalty is not good enough for him.  A human being who can hurt an animal this much, should not be rewarded with a few years in prison only.  Maybe he should need to sleep with the lions, for a week or so.  But then without his knifes.

MORE then enough said, sorry for this, sometimes I feel ashame to be a human being

Dienstag, 11. Juni 2013


Not a long blog today, not a deep thought, just some random stuff from the past 24 hours.

It is amazing how I pick up conversations so easy with people, after months of not talking. It feels so relaxing to know that we talk when we feel like, are nosey or what, and then, after our check how are you doing, get on with our own life. It is lovely when the other writes.. you're Hans, that covers all :)

I LOVE to see the shares of those wonderful pictures, the joy that comes from it. And the sparkle when it are pictures of those beautiful cats of my sister.:)

It is nice to meet new people, in real, on line. Hm, can someone tell me the difference?

Sometimes I wish that health was a thing I could buy. So that some people need to suffer less, and can have a good time too.
Sometimes I wonder how weird people can be. How CAN you put up a candle, at facebook, while you know that the people involved dont want that? 

It is wonderful to make people smile. It is a bliss to be allowed to carry someone in your heart.

And I have to share opinions. No matter if it is about the spying american government, or the thought of quitting a game.'

Oh, and you know what is wonderful? That I-finally!!!- can walk barefoot outside without freezing my toes of :)

Samstag, 8. Juni 2013


Sorry for the huge picture, but it is so wonderful, that I like it full view here.

Then about the text. Alone sounds, in our modern society, negative. And of course, it is not nice when you are without anyone else to speak to, to lean on, or what you have in thought.
On the other side I think that everyone needs those 'alone' moments. It is nice to have someone around, but where do you find the time to realy get back to yourself, listening to what you feel, what you want, who you realy are (and not how you wish others to see you)?
When you are lonely you can not hide behind others. You can not blame others for hurting you. You are fully responsible for what you do or what not. How many of us can take that responsibility?

I have difficulties with it. It is much easier to 'mediate'  when two people fight about a picture of icecream. Sure, that was an easy one, but it is not helping me further in my life. Or maybe it is, when I brought one of the others to thinking?

Nah, it is not me who changes the world. I love my lonelyness. For all because I can return to it now and then. Precious moments

 “If you are at first lonely, be patient. If you’ve not been alone much,
or if when you were, you weren’t okay with it, then just wait.
You’ll find it’s fine to be alone once you’re embracing it.”

~ Tanya Davis

Dienstag, 4. Juni 2013

Let go

All is for a reason

I wrote this afternoon a small poem, posted it at the most horrible public place that you can imagine (facebook), and I will add it here as well, below the picture. 

The picture came right into my inbox and it made the things clear.
The past is over. I might have done thngs wrong, but I can not keep on trying to bring things back, things that are gone.
How much I should love to, how much I should want to, but at the same time, how much I dont.

Not because it is scary, that's a false thought. But because it is hevy. I cant go on as much as I have to, when I keep that luggage at my shoulder. There is no place for it.

That's not bad, it is just a next step. And that step is already made long ago. The decision at that moment (and it doesnt matter if it is me who said, quit, or that the other said that thiis is the end), and i try to respect that.

Writing this down, again for the countless time means that I still struggle with it. And my poetry helps me to get forward. Just as some mesages, pictures, that tell me that I  am not the only one who went through such ... and came out better then before.

And no, it was no coincidence that this picture/message came in after that I wrote the poem

Or do you think different?

I try to resist
But it gets harder every day
I told myself I did forgot
But deep inside I did not

I did ignore
But it feels sour
It creeps into my blood
I wish I could understood

The temptation to open the door
The fear for what will become more
Is it better to shut the past
And enjoy the present blast

It is eating my heart out
and I cannot talk about
It is the struggle between I and me
Oooo, this pain, why cant you see