
Dienstag, 27. Oktober 2009

at the other end

I am cleaning some of my notepads, poems that were in it for a longer time. It is like looking back into the history of my life.

picture by Mimigo

Wasn't your day what it should be
Did you end in misery
Do you tend to drop your head
And just want to forget

It's okay
We all have, now and than, such a day
Let it go, it is all right
Soon it will be a little bright

Don't be strong, why should you be
I love you, just this way
The weakest moments, we are togetther
Your head at my shoulder
My tears in your eyes
Just yourself, myself, no lies

No need to rush or keep up the smile
Lean on me, for a while
I can not take your problems away
Just share it, it will be better some day

I listen to your tears
I look to what you say
Don't worry, my dear friend
Have faith
Soon we smile
at the other end

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