
Samstag, 8. Juli 2017

Proud drinker

Understand me correctly

I do not mind when people drink. I do not even mind when people drink alcohl. And I don't mind when people get a bit funny when they drink a bit more.

What I not understand,, is why people are bragging about drinking too much?
I am no angel, and I think most of us have the experience of having drank too much alcohol, at least once in a lifetime.

Nowadays it looks like 'the world'  needs to brag about the many drinks that they had.  Facebook turns in the weekend to a place where people post discussable photos, and discussable remarks, who are clearly caused by drinking alcohol.
The amount of people that drink in the street,  bus, train, I can't remember that it was so common in eearlier years.

I think I get too old for this. No, I am not.  I never was a huge drinker of alcohl.  I like a drink, a good wine, whisky or a few beers. And that's basically it.

I see around me, almost daily, what alcohol can do to people.  It is hard for me to take people serious who brag about the amount of alcohl, or the state of alcohl they are in. It is not funny, it is just embarrassing.

Now shoot me for this.  I will lean back and watch your reactions. Maybe I drink a beer with it. Maybe not. 

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