
Dienstag, 1. September 2015

Welcome in World War III

Welcome in World War III

I wish it was.  But I don't think it is a provocation, when I look around me.

The world is on fire, People are flying out of their countries to others, what naturally causes confrontations, radicalism and racism.
The world is moving. Millions of people leave their homes, and they will change the countries that they are settling in. Cultures will mix up, people will fight for their properties. 
There are strong camps from tolerant and non tolerant people and there is a group that systematically uses or promotes violence.

The most open part of the war is taking place in the Middle East, where ISIS in a clever way terrorizes huge parts of countries that are bankrupted.
Supported by corrupt regimes (Turkey, Syria), where the leaders are trying, at all costs, to remain the leaders.
Supported by Saudi Arabia.  The Saudi's strict muslem philosophy was already a huge support to Al Qaida, what now looks like something mild and friendly, compared with the brutal violences that are happening.
Saudi Arabia does not need to be afraid. The USA are very loyal, because to the Saudi's. They need them and they do everything what the Saudis say.
The politic is bounded, chained and blinded.  The USA, what is ruled for ages by the weapon Industry. The weapon industry, that lives from the production of weapons, and what florishes today as never before.

War gives no winners, apart from the people behind the Koch imperium.  No one dares to say those words. No one sees that the weapons that are used in Africa for the wars there, are produced in America, by America. The american dream is an american nightmare.

So far my bitter and too short analyzes of the world politics.

In times of war, there are (luckily) always groups that do resist. Like Asterix and Obelix, who had the magic drink, the people have hope and faith that the world will be better one day.
People help, people organize. No matter if it is about trying to shelter the refugees (building walls is not  solving the problem, sending them back is not solving the problem), nursing the war victims or protesting loud. As long as it is allowed.
And do not say that the freedom of speech is a civil right. In times of war those rights do not exist. The censorship is nearer by then we think. Much more near then Turkey. There are people at the street that form civil law groups. In the social media dominating administrators direct discussions in the way they want.
The time that the governments are capable to guarantee order and safety in the country are over.

We are laying under a dark blanket and it gets more and more uncomfortable.
Reason the more to try harder to find a way out of it.
Together we are strong
And it is silly and foolish when people fight with each other, while they all want the same thing. Respect, humanity.  How can you give humanity, equality, freedom to others, when you use your power to shut peoples voices?

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