
Montag, 24. Mai 2010

Gulf Spill Exclusive: Shocking Marine Life Destruction and Angry Locals

the story continues, and the multinational mafia shuts up

Gulf Spill Exclusive: Shocking Marine Life Destruction and Angry Locals

dead sea turtle slideshow photo
Just over one month ago, the BP Deepwater Horizon oil rig was rocked by a massive explosion that lead to the U.S.'s biggest environmental disaster in decades. After it became clear that the oil wasn't going to stop gushing from the undersea leak anytime soon, TreeHugger sent me to investigate the crisis firsthand for 10 days.

So I headed down to the Gulf, where I traversed the coast -- from the southernmost point of Louisiana to the furthest parts of Alabama and back again -- to document how the spill was impacting people and wildlife across the spectrum. From tragically killed sea life to chemicals that turn oil into jelly to teenage girls standing up to BP, I captured everything I saw in photo and video.

Photo credit: Brian Merchant

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