
Montag, 3. Januar 2022

lucky me

 Lucky me

That I am not fully dependend on FB, if I need, or want, to contact 'the world'
Lucky me, that I have more accounts. Who should have thought, 10 years ago, when playing MafiaWars, that I should use such an account, as a kind of backup, for when I have, emmm.. issues... with FB (again)?

Anyhow, the year 2022 starts with a FaceBook limitation, what only allows me to post at my own FB page, other places are unreachable until February.

And why? Because I was wondering how silly (narrow minded) people can be. I specified it to americans, and there I went wrong. BANG, a ban.  

The only reason why I mention this, where I can, is, to show how subtile censorship works.  If you say, oh, how sensible Americans are, it is for Facebook readers a sign to react, to report and consequently for Facebook a reason to restrict your freedom of expression. It is just the few words, that the decission is based on. That subtile sensorship works. Big chance that I will be more careful with the words I choose, next time.  And after a while I forget it and we get into the same procedure again.

I found out to be in Jail with a few persons, who I admire for their open mind, and the fact thta they dare to speak out their opinion. Appearantly, and clear, we are not expressing something radical, but just critical. 
I feel comfortable, with the knowledge that those people are having the same restrictions.

Freedom of speech has long gone from FaceBook.  Be alert. Realize in what you are restricted, and why. And, by who.

And lucky enough, I am still allowed to post at my site. Good news, because there is a new collaboration coming up!  

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