
Samstag, 22. Januar 2022


 Diskussion at Fsacebook

The original poster complains, that the one he helped out of the bus, did not saythank you.

Now I must say, that there is a different, in being gentle, how it is handled in Germany, compared with the Netherlands. In Germany, people expect kindnes, Höfligkeit, when you help someone, a thank you or so.

The poster said he hleped someone, but that this someone did not say thank you. The poster announced, that he will continue, helping people, even with this experience.

It made me thinking about my expereindce with people who need help. Enabled, or, with a trolley or whatever, what indicates that they need it to get on the road anyway.

The discussion I had, with someone in a wheelchair, who told me, that he is tired, that people always expect him to be grateful for the help. And that people really get irritated, or p.ssed, when you not give a sign of being thankful.

I think that that man was right. Why should anyone show thankful, for getting help. Of course, people are happy with the help, but why do you help, at all?  Is the help only finished, when you get a smile and a thank you back?  Is the other rude, when he is not acting like that (because, for example, he sttill needs to concentrate on being safe, after the help?

Isn't it enough 'reward', when you see that the other managed, with a little help?
We continue our road, and eventually help one more at our way. 
They continue their roaad, and definitely need more help, on their way

It gives me a very uncomfortable feeling, to see that everyone has an opinion, about that it is normal to be grateful for help.
And beware if not!
As if the limitation in mobility is a free choice from the ones who need the help
No one asks the person who needed help.  We all spent our time with judging others... and meanwhile forget to help others.  

Okay, twisted thoughts, I know :)  

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