
Montag, 10. Januar 2022

Hate Speech

 Most likely one of the most underestmated forms of bullying, is hate speech.  And internet is good in hate speech!  The hate heroes are, safely behind their keyboards, threathening others and so often it is unseen.  

Facebook has the solution.  They send bots at their platform, and they tackle all what has to do with misbehaving. As in N-zis symbols, as in n!pples, as in h@te speech.
When I said, that amircans are crazy, now and then,  BAM!!!!  Penalty!  Not allowed to post into groups anymore, for 28 days.  

Arrgh..  I could object against their decission.  To my surprise I found out today (a week later), that my punishment is over.  Appearantly someone thought it was not sooooooo bad, that a week of silence is enough. 

Many of us have experienced such behavior of the Bots of FaceBook.  A friend got penalty because of liking too many posts.  Those silly bots :) :) 

Anyway, such gives reasons to gigle. And the lessen learned. Even a Mega Institute as FaceBook (I dont uses MeTa, yet), is limited by the inflexible technique. Technique, apps, are only as clever as the people that give their input.  I leave it to you, to conclude if that is a compliment or not, I don't do HateSpeech :) 

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