
Dienstag, 29. Juni 2021

The man in the mirror

Time for a bit of self reflection. 

Don't worry, it is less difficult as that you might think.

Let's take soccer, football, as example.

The UEFA forces itself to forbid the LGBT rainbow out of the stadium, as being a political statement.
When a national football Unite (in this case the dutch) decides, to give their fans, before the match, a rainbow flag... and the security (under the regime in Hungary) takes the flags off.

And during the game, the commercials around the field, show up in the rainbow colours.

So, the western world is slowly and steady finding control over the Corona virus. However, there are dangerous mutations, for what the vaccination is not enough.  The virus is not that agressive then, most of the time, but still, getting ill for COVID is nothing to wish people to get.

We keep distance, and when many people gather, we wear masks.

Not in the football stadium.  The UEFA (hey, that bunch again) insisted, that the English Wsembley Stadium should open for more audience.  Mainly sponnsors, of course.
In Hungary (hey, that country again) and Denmark, there were no audience restrictions. So, people from countries, where there are still strict protections, can go and cheer unprotected, arm to arm.

I stll wear my mask, in the srtreet, where it is free now to wear them not. In shops and Train it is, naturally, normal to wear it, and when I wear it already when I come from home, I cant forget it.  No one died from wearing a mask, right!

I will be careful. I will remain careful.  Even when I am vaccinated.  Because, I do not want to get ill. Not even a bit. And, maybe more important, I do not want to make you ill either.  I care for you. How about you?

I will go to watch the football match. I will cheer for 'our' German team.  But the fun, that is in the football games itselves, is heavily overshadowed by the brutal power of money, what does not care for people ... at all.   Things need to change!



Dienstag, 22. Juni 2021

The Freedom of Football

 I tihnk you all noticed it, in Europe, the Europe Championship for countries is going on.  

Typical for that, is, that a lot of  people all the sudden show up to be proud at their national team and cheer them, or, at least, from their favorite country.

The difficuliy in Europe is the variety of countries.  Europe is a mix from counties, lots with democracy, and a few with dictatorial regimes, such as Russia. A lot of countries turn more radical, such as Turkey, and that makes things complicated.

The European Football Federation UEFA, pretends to be neutral. The credo is,sport and politics are not to be mixed up with each other. Thus, most politics are skipped away, there is no place in the organisation for politcal items.

Now, especially soccer, is a sport for people, to go to watch, the stadium is a very important place, where fans gather.
Now I write this, I realize that I talk from the past. Sport, Soccer (then still named football), was for the people. Everyone could go and tell their opinion about how bad or good the players were, a snack in the break, in short... good old times, when you were not were forced to buy over-expensive drinks, reservate your expensive tickets....   
I know the time, that I could go to watch m team for 5 guilders, now I should not even be able to buy a beer for the same money.

Nevertheless, it is difficult to keep the sport pure, from commercial influence and from politics.  Commercial influence is already accpeted, and political influence is there as well.

The german city Munich, wanted to put a sign for equal rights (LGTB, or how it is called), Queer and homo human beings are equal, the multi colours should enlight the stadium.
NO, UEFA said, that is too much political influence.
To put on a band at the arm, with the colours, is perfect, but nothing more then that.   The sign should not be a sign from the world to support equal righst. And there should be NO signal to Hungary, that the world supports  LGTB(?), in Hungary the laws are making it 'queer'  very difficult, they are almost treated as criminals (what is already a fact in countries like Russia).

My thoughst about it (sorry that my explanation was this long, and is so fuzzy...)

First.. Why can a Football Organisation accept a violence of human rights, and at the same time leads slogans against racism and for everyone is equal?
Second. Why can a city like Munich, or, a national Football Council, not jsust say, we stand for equal rights, we do it, it matters?
Three:  Why is everyone now so shocked about what happened, and no one gives a sh.t about the deaths and racism that takes place in Qatar, where we will get the same 'play', with symbols (or not) against the violation of human rights?   

Mittwoch, 16. Juni 2021

A compliment for yourself

I think we all like it, when we get a compliment. 

And, guess what, now and then I become one as well  :-)  
Sometimes they are expected, others come right out of the blue.  

I not wait for it, I am not fishing for it. There was a time, that I desperately wanted that others liked me, or should admire me, for things. The more I tried, the less it worked.  I was expecting so much from others, that I forgot thatt I have to do something, before I can get a reaction back.

A longer time I was afraid for doing something.  I was sure that, when I did do something, help, or whatever, that the other should be disappointed.  And it often went that way.  More in my head, then that the other really was disappointed. I was often most disappointed about myself, and thherfore not able to see, that others value me.

It changed.
It was a road I went (not really to be written here, a few of you know), before I could accept myself the way I am.  There were some huge stones on  my path, that I could not move, and they blocked me from getting to love myself (again)

Until the moment, that I realized, that I was fed up, in trying to move those rocks. I all the sudden accepted, that they should not move, no matter how I try. 
At that moment, I started to search for other ways.  Climbing at the rocks, what was NOT a good plan, so, back then, and walking aruound them.  The  stones remained at their place, but I discovered another world. A world where I could accept compliments, a world, where I could geve compliments, a world in what I accepted myself, the way I am.
Just like mit true friends already did, I all the sudden found the inner peace in me, that I not needed to fight any longer, to be appreciated.

I valued myself. I found my inner peace, and I found that I am happy, with who I  am. I am not perfect, not at all, but I am me, and I have to live with myself for thee rest of the life. All others come (and go), but I am with me, for my lifetime.

With   my inner peace growing,  with liking myself more, I got less urge for  searching for compliments.  And then it happened.  I noticed that I had my peace (again) to listen to people, and to do what I am good in.  My wall became windows, and a door. I could let people in, and those  people were, just like me, searching.  Struggling with problems.  That I can not solve.

I realize that I not need to sollve them.  I see, that a listening ear, a shoulder, is more important.
When I try to understand others, when I cry with them, laugh with them, I give them, what I should like to get from others as well. 
And I always get back, what I give.

So, no longer I want to give insecurity, or hide behind the stones.

Now it is time to say, I cant do miracles, but I can listen, and I do care.
And all the sudden, the miracles start to happen.


Freitag, 11. Juni 2021

Netiquette and attitude

 When I read a bit at Twittter, I saw a message from someone, who was wondering, why there is so much hate.  He reflected it to the upcoming elections in Germany. 

Even when they happen only in September, there is yet already a shocking queeste against all the important people,  no matter what party.
This person considered to quit his Twitter account.  IAnd I thought it is similar, why I ended following Twitter. I hated the hate between parties in America, I could not  take enough distance.

Now, in my home country, it looks similar. And I again can not keep distance, I DO have an opinion, and I do NOT understand the blind anger against some parties (unles it is against  #fckAfD).

In the end it will be so, that a few parties shall coorporate with each other. And how much trustworthy is such a coorporation, when you now already (3 months before the election), tell that the others are crap?

Excuse me? How can you hate people, when you not know them? 

It made me thinking.

And I am guilty, too! 
When people attack my party, my favorite persons, I tend to defend them. The person I do not know,. And I want my favorite to win, and coorporate with others. So, why should I now attack the others (unless they are  #fckAfD)

So, my idea is.  I love it in my bubble. My friends, people I like, sharing nice posts, and caring.
I will try to ignore the bashing of persons,  definitely the ones I do not know. I don't want to see that, so I should not participate in it as well, right?
I  want to share my bubble with you (unles you are #fckafd), and I like to share your bubble (unles you are #fckAfD)
How about that? Do we have a deal?
Let's share positivity. We all need to live with each other, so why not in harmony and with respect?

I  go to give it a try. It helps anyway, to stay away from people who smell like #fckAfD. No one needs them! They dont even know about bubbles! 

Donnerstag, 10. Juni 2021

Let's talk about behaviour.

And, of course, of the behaviour of others. It is always way more easy, to point to what others should do different, rather then looking into the mirror and change yourself.

So, having said that, I not tell that I am better then others, because I definitely am not.
It is more easy to see behaviour of others, and  the thing for me is, to learn from that.  They are usually the mirror, that  show exactly, how things work.

What I want, is to learn from it.

So, here the story.
Someone has taken care a long time for the animals of someone else. It started as helping a neighbour,  the neighbour became ill, was not able to care anymore, also, the helping hands became essential, without them the animal owner could not keep his cattle.
In time, there came a moment, that the helping hand did want to get some payment for the work. The work is hard, and the cattle owner is proven to have plenty of money.
Tjhe helping hand and the cattle man did argue about it, the cattle man got more and more ill, and the struggle went on. The neigbour moved out (what had nothing to do with the conflict), and continued to take care of the cattle, because the payment was settled.

A lot of trouble came with the payment, especially when the cattle man got ill again and was not able to arrange the payment. The two fought  over email, and  a relative of the cattle man was invloved, he  took over to take care of the animals (who were very much reduced, because of the intervention of Animal Care who has taken care over the cattle, what was in very poor conditon.
The ill man came home again, he started to build up the cattle again, could not do it without the help of the family member.

The ex neighbour had an issue about the last payments, and aftter another fight,  with intervention of the family member, it was settled and the ext neighbour and the cattle man were happily without any needed contact.

The ex neighbour kept in contact with the family member, who told now that the cattle man has passed away.
Neighbour told her friends about the death, and is very sad.

(still following? lol)
My first reaction was, thank heaven, this is so good for the poor animals, finally they all get away from this man, who could not take care of them for a long time already, but refused to give up.
The neigbour, however is sad for the lost of the cattle owner.  It was a man who was very ill, who could not be held responsible for his behaviour...

It left me wondering.
I know tht people who fight with each other, often need that, as a way that they care for each other, not letting go.
I find it hard to accept the grieve of someone, who talked so bad before, about the man that now not lives anymroe..

Should I learn my lesson from it?
 No matter how badly you are hurt, it needs a big heart, to be able to forgive?
Or is it a way to get attention again, when your own life is ruined (again) and you are left alone`?

I find it very hard to have empathy. Not for the Man with the animals, but also not for the neighbour with her fights, who never accepted the situation for the animals (as often said), but who did not try to change the bad situation. Money seemed more important.

My heart is not big enugh to forgive.
I should learn from this.

And not only, that people can make strange moves, spreading hate about others and still love them, appearantly.

Thank you for who was able to finish reading my rambling. I go to prepare the noodles, for dinner. It is not approperiate to eat fried chicken, today :)