
Samstag, 22. Januar 2022


 Diskussion at Fsacebook

The original poster complains, that the one he helped out of the bus, did not saythank you.

Now I must say, that there is a different, in being gentle, how it is handled in Germany, compared with the Netherlands. In Germany, people expect kindnes, Höfligkeit, when you help someone, a thank you or so.

The poster said he hleped someone, but that this someone did not say thank you. The poster announced, that he will continue, helping people, even with this experience.

It made me thinking about my expereindce with people who need help. Enabled, or, with a trolley or whatever, what indicates that they need it to get on the road anyway.

The discussion I had, with someone in a wheelchair, who told me, that he is tired, that people always expect him to be grateful for the help. And that people really get irritated, or p.ssed, when you not give a sign of being thankful.

I think that that man was right. Why should anyone show thankful, for getting help. Of course, people are happy with the help, but why do you help, at all?  Is the help only finished, when you get a smile and a thank you back?  Is the other rude, when he is not acting like that (because, for example, he sttill needs to concentrate on being safe, after the help?

Isn't it enough 'reward', when you see that the other managed, with a little help?
We continue our road, and eventually help one more at our way. 
They continue their roaad, and definitely need more help, on their way

It gives me a very uncomfortable feeling, to see that everyone has an opinion, about that it is normal to be grateful for help.
And beware if not!
As if the limitation in mobility is a free choice from the ones who need the help
No one asks the person who needed help.  We all spent our time with judging others... and meanwhile forget to help others.  

Okay, twisted thoughts, I know :)  

Sonntag, 16. Januar 2022

2 weeks of 2022

 Can you imagine? The year is only 2 weeks old, and so much did happen.

A tennis star, who refuses the corona vaccinations is banned from the Australian Open, and everyone has an opinion about it. Me too,  even when I do not know him personally.
In short, I thihk that someone should stand for his behavior. Who not wants to vaccinate, should not do it. And should take the consequenses. No Jab, No play.
Strangely the organisation of the AO did not mind. They planned him in and allowed him training, at the few days between the law circus around this man.  Lucky, he is not Jesus and send out of the country. Now he is in Dubai. Why Dubai? Why not Serbia, where he is from?

Russias plans to invate Ukraine, another thing to get upset for! I leave it to the americans, to take care for that. They say they diliver gas to Germany. Do we want that??

And, to take it closer to house, I am really getting fed up, with all that walks from those Anti Cornoa Clique. They get louder and louder (not more) and offer nazis and faschischten the perfect cover to go legal. Ugh!

Even closer, about corona. I took the booster 3, this week, and it feels good. I was at a Impf to go, and the organisation was perfect.

Oh, and Ajax wan in Utrecht, 0 to 3, I love my account at Dazn! 
Oh, and I got a new Mobile!  A chinese one, but well, so be it. I will not type or share this blog there, :) and I have nothing to hide. 

Life is good to me. This week, wednessday it is bananananana day again. Further a few other things to do are there, we shall see how it all works out. Life is good, and I wish that everyone should be nice to him, or herself in the first place. When you have pain, go to the doctor. When a person is poison for you, get rid of him or her!

Be good! you are effing worth it

Montag, 10. Januar 2022

Hate Speech

 Most likely one of the most underestmated forms of bullying, is hate speech.  And internet is good in hate speech!  The hate heroes are, safely behind their keyboards, threathening others and so often it is unseen.  

Facebook has the solution.  They send bots at their platform, and they tackle all what has to do with misbehaving. As in N-zis symbols, as in n!pples, as in h@te speech.
When I said, that amircans are crazy, now and then,  BAM!!!!  Penalty!  Not allowed to post into groups anymore, for 28 days.  

Arrgh..  I could object against their decission.  To my surprise I found out today (a week later), that my punishment is over.  Appearantly someone thought it was not sooooooo bad, that a week of silence is enough. 

Many of us have experienced such behavior of the Bots of FaceBook.  A friend got penalty because of liking too many posts.  Those silly bots :) :) 

Anyway, such gives reasons to gigle. And the lessen learned. Even a Mega Institute as FaceBook (I dont uses MeTa, yet), is limited by the inflexible technique. Technique, apps, are only as clever as the people that give their input.  I leave it to you, to conclude if that is a compliment or not, I don't do HateSpeech :) 

Montag, 3. Januar 2022

lucky me

 Lucky me

That I am not fully dependend on FB, if I need, or want, to contact 'the world'
Lucky me, that I have more accounts. Who should have thought, 10 years ago, when playing MafiaWars, that I should use such an account, as a kind of backup, for when I have, emmm.. issues... with FB (again)?

Anyhow, the year 2022 starts with a FaceBook limitation, what only allows me to post at my own FB page, other places are unreachable until February.

And why? Because I was wondering how silly (narrow minded) people can be. I specified it to americans, and there I went wrong. BANG, a ban.  

The only reason why I mention this, where I can, is, to show how subtile censorship works.  If you say, oh, how sensible Americans are, it is for Facebook readers a sign to react, to report and consequently for Facebook a reason to restrict your freedom of expression. It is just the few words, that the decission is based on. That subtile sensorship works. Big chance that I will be more careful with the words I choose, next time.  And after a while I forget it and we get into the same procedure again.

I found out to be in Jail with a few persons, who I admire for their open mind, and the fact thta they dare to speak out their opinion. Appearantly, and clear, we are not expressing something radical, but just critical. 
I feel comfortable, with the knowledge that those people are having the same restrictions.

Freedom of speech has long gone from FaceBook.  Be alert. Realize in what you are restricted, and why. And, by who.

And lucky enough, I am still allowed to post at my site. Good news, because there is a new collaboration coming up!