
Donnerstag, 26. März 2020

Hamstern - Stock Piling

Reading the subject, I think that most of us think it is about toilet paper, those days, right?

Yes, we are restricted in our lives, the dark clouds hang above us and no one can escape.
Sh!t happens,  right?

So, my beautiful Toilet Roll Collectors, are you happy, now you have a stock for a few months?

And if so, what problem did you solve?
Was there a problem at all? Apart then for the people, who needed paper and could not get it?

Is it stock piling what you do?  I love the german word Hamstern so much more ;-)

The principle of stock piling is saving things for when you are not able to access it anymore.
For example, when you are ill, and you can not leave home, and you have no one around who can get your stuff for you.
So... why the toilet paper?
It was a run, but it is over now, and the shops start getting their normal stock again.
Why did you collect all those cans, all those water bottles (you can drink from the tap, you know!), and heaven knows what more?

I must agree, I have done some extra shopping as well. It was basically, because so many people are buying like crazy.  Look into the mirror.  Do you really want to tell your mom, or your children, that you were in the queue at 6 am to get toilet paper?  How do you explain it ?

The idiot who started buying a pallette of rolls, who was it?   Now the entire worlld is pampered with toilet paper, what's next?

People, be nice for yourself. Be nice for your wallet.  Yes, buy a bit extra. When you get ill, you may not leave your home for 2 weeks.
Ask for help, if you need it.  Yes, I know that that is the problem. There are many lonely people, who have no one to ask for help.
Don't be afraid to ask, if you need help.  You will be surprised what happens!  You have nothing to loose, right?

Care for your neighbour, maybe he or she is the one who needs your help, and can't go out for shopping herself.   How should you feel, if you offer help, and you can not get the item that the other desperately needs?
Would you share your stockpile with them?

Think about it.  The time to think 'me first', is definitely over.
The time now is, together we can!  And we will!

Take the challenge, not the paper work!

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