
Freitag, 20. März 2020

Bricks in the wall, 2

Things come to a change rapidly, but not so fast as the weather.

The lockdown is prepared, it wont last long before we all are in our houses. 

So, what to do with the time.  Cleaning the house is definitely an option, and it will be done , one day.  Now I feel still a bit restless, and I am running around  without being very productive. What of course is not a nice thing, not for me, and not for my beloved.

So, what I go to do, is writing this blog, and then, after it, a bit of house cleaning. I have to learn it again, I think, and when this lasts a bit, we shall end in a place as it was not before.  Just like in the world outside.

Tomorrow I made this photo. It is exactly telling what the day is.  No sun, not much color. But, if you look well, you see a tree behind the house.
Considering that this is the view that we have from our kitchen, I also got inspired by the book of Anne Frank. Who was hiding as well for something bad, something evil.
And in the time, that she was hiding, she wrote her diary.  As I do it now, now I am hiding (well, not always, but more and more) , for the evil.

Spring starts, officially, and the temperatures will rise.  The grey will soon be decorated with a bit of green. It is the lesson that nature gives us.  After a hard time a winter, with not much sunlight (and loads of rain, lol), it now is time to recover.  The tree is already in spring modus. And every day that I look at it, I will know that we are a day closer to the end of this fear.

I will make messages of hope, as if only to defeat my own unhappy feelings.

I will make a plan, this afternoon, what I can work out and what I can do, a daily scheme.  Life goeson and so are we.

The  countdown started.  We are strong, when we are not alone :)

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