
Freitag, 24. April 2020

Don't believe what you read

Don't believe what you read

Well, that is easier said then done, especially in those days.
What is true, what not?  Did the virus escape from China? Is it a plan, to take away our freedom and make us dependend of...  ... a country, a power?

Many, many theories are walking around, the traces go down to China, until a year ago almost no one heared about Huan, and yet we all have an opinion about it.

How many of us still read newspapers, now we can find all the news at Facebook and Co?
And see, how easy it is to control us, to make us believe things that have nothing to do with freedom anymore. We not even see it, that we are directed by... yes, good question.

Okay,  enough of this bullshit, or even when it is true, enough of it! 
Fact is, that many people die.  Fact is, that the world economy has stopped. Fact is, that no one cares any longer about the essential problems in Africa and with refugitiees, or the climate. 
All comes to one word, a virus, with different names, of who no one exactly knows what it is and what it is doing. Something with breath. Yes, let's all wear masks then.  Yes, and how about the people with breathing problems, who have a fight to breath even witout a mask? 

Everyone has an opinion about everything. And in the meantime a lot of people get busy. Helping others, and for all, helping theirselves in filling the loads of time that they have. Many useless things are created, but that's fine. If you want your computer to search for new life in the galaxy, why then not for 'things'  about the virus, however no one knows what exactly they are looking for?
Why not watch out of the window, and right away report when you see people who are violating the new laws?  The police state in full function!  And everyone all the sudden knows why we should keep distance, and why we should wear masks, and why we should wash hands...
Everybody has a theory and everyone has a lot of time to spread the news.  The news desparately searches for news, and finds people who have sniffed at corona. It are the headlines of those days.

In the meanwhile even my hair grows out.  And not only at the head :)
In the meanwhile, we point to others, and tell them what to do. And we let others tell us what we should do.
No wonder that more and more people not feel happy with what happens.  We are restricted, and everyone tells us why, or why we should not be.

The shelves in the shops fill again with toilet paper. Housewifes sew like mad and earn lots of money with a piece of cotton and a chord.  10 euro for one.. And  all the sudden we all feel save, with something to wipe and somethng so that we can breath less free air.

I do not know what I can believe or not. I do not even know if I can believe what I wrote here, above.
But there are a few things that I know.
I love my friends,  nearby and a bit further.  The forbidden hugs will follow, one day.
I love myself.  I am happy that I can do a little thing, to help people through this time.  We just started, many people think it is almost over, but I think it is not.  Again, no one knows, we shall see what happens.
I love my hobbies. A pity that the bicycle is broken, and I hope that my camera can be fixed again.  I like it a lot from myself, that I not panic more then this.  That was different, not so long ago.  

I think that good things are happening, for who is open for it.
Do not fear, because it will lame you. Do not believe what you read, because it will fear you.

Do live, it will set you free.

And that line, is the only line in this, that I am sure about, that it is true.

I want to live, together with you

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