
Sonntag, 15. Oktober 2017

the 2nd han(d)s coat

Here the short story of the 2nd hand coat

Or, if you prefer, the story of the photographer

Who knows me, knows that I like photography
And who knows me , knows as well that I do not like when others are hurt. No matter animal or human.

It was beautiful weather today, and I decided for a short walk. I read that there was a 'garage sale', this sunday, not so far away from here, and I made my walk to it. As expected, it was very crowded and, at the sunny side, very warm.

I walked, and, in a second nature, I wear my camera with me, ready to shoot. 

My eye and my lense were caught by a fur coat for sale.  A lady looked at it, smiled at me and said, it is much too hot for that. I smiled back and said, that I only like fur at animals. She smiled, politely, and I took a few steps backward, to take a photo of this.

Not the best shot, but, it was made and I had a good feeling with it.
Other then the salesman.  He came out of his chair (wow!) yelled loud at me, that I did  scare away his customers, and that he wanted money from me if I do it again.  I raised my eyebrows, and told him that I like his humor, and that people decide theirselves what to buy or not, and not me.  The man became red as a tomato, and he started to tell me words in a language that I can not understand and he said that he would call the police in.  I said to him, do so.  While waiting I will stroll over the market, and I return here later.

I heared a laughter behind me. The woman who not soled the fur had come to see what the uproar was.  She said to the man. Yes, please do call the police. Else I might do so, for you are selling bad immitated fur for the price of real.

It was a beautiful, sunny day. And I got smiles from a nice stranger. And an phot. And a blog.

And my cold disappears through the sun.

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