
Mittwoch, 6. November 2013

About the drop down of social networks

Sooner or later it will happen to all.  Now no one can even imagine that FaceBook and Co will disappear, sooner or later, but this is the digital world, ergo that means that in a few years there will be definitely alternatives that we use.

I might make an exception for Twitter, but even that, sooner or later, will go. It is as well a life lesson, what starts, one day, will end one day. But so far the life lesson, it is about social networks now.

Below is an email that I got, as being member of the Dutch social network Hyves. It was a place, a bit similar to what Facebook is now.  You could add friends and write at their *wall', the personal sites could be spiced up with colors, pictures and so more.
It is over,  hyves will transform into a 'games site' 

We, the *users', get the chance to make a back up of our data, before the site closes and that makes me thinking again at the privacy.  How safe is it to safe our pictures, our moods and all on ine?  First of all, it is not there until the end of time, secondly, what happens with it when 'they'  save it for us and last but not least, how can I efficiently  get my personal stuff back when, like in the case of Hyves, the sites are going down.

Good to consider it, now and then, even if it leaves the answer open about the 'how to' wordt Games netwerk

Games netwerk
We hebben met pijn in ons hart besloten om vanaf 2 december via alleen nog spelletjes aan te gaan bieden. We kunnen ons voorstellen dat dit een hoop vragen bij je oproept.

Lees hier de redactieblog
Bewaar jouw momenten op Hyves
Vanaf 15 november is het mogelijk om een aanvraag te doen om jouw foto's, krabbels, www's en blogs te downloaden. Benieuwd waar dit kan?
Naar de download pagina
Hyves Redactie
Wil je meer informatie over wat er met Hyves, het sociale netwerk, gaat gebeuren? Log dan in op Hyves en lees de redactieblog.
Naar de redactieblog
10 nov  Rob 43
11 nov  Hanita 48
20 nov  Charlotta 44
Hyves Nieuwsbrief
Ontvang je teveel mails, of juist te weinig?

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