
Freitag, 23. August 2013

Let's talk about being kind and how to do it.

Are you ever kind enough to enjoy it?  And I dont mean in the easy way, at moments that others are kind to you. I mean in the moments that others are treating you like dirt or like you're  an imbicile. Or when you are at an offical desk and  you KNOW that the other side is not willing to help you and you cannot change a thing about it.

Hmm... there I go again with thinking wrong (considering the picture-text).  What  should have happened if I had been kind, a time ago, at that man that I need for some official papers?
Hm.. wasn't I kind?  I mean, it is a business like contact, so I dont need to hug him, but I am pretty sure that I did say, sorry, I know something did not went the way it had to be, but can we work on a solution?
Anyway, that person was not 'kind'.  Took distance and did let me bubble the way that I  am bubbling way too long. I was bubbling so long that I did not know how to go on. Then someone was so kind to offer his profesional help.  Well that was realy kind, of him, wasnt it? We did get through the procudure together, and then, finally,  the words came out out. The man at the council was not kind to me, and did not even want to do his job for me. Reason unknown, but that's fine, I dont need to know it.  
it should not be me when I should not doubt about myself (where did I go wrong), but when I am honest (and kind to myself) I also see the mistakes at his side.  When one side is unwilling to help, the other side feels helpless, and might get frustrations. It is natural. We can of course fight against it (count til ten and then smile back), but often we choose the more easy way and we search the confrontation.

It happens to all of us, at work, at desks, in shops and of course as well on line, the big digital world that is so much similar to the real world, that I often wonder if there is a difference, or that the 'on line world'  is just a part of our real life, just like tv and refrigerator.

It seems that it is for us way more easy to search the confrontation, the negative elements, then putting effort in being positive.  When someone aggresses you, why do we put the agression back?  Maybe we can win the fight, but will it bring us closer to our goal?

when you are being threathened, we easily tend to put on the wall and hide behind an angry face or angry words.  Did you ever try to NOT defend yourself, but just smile and say, do what you want, if it makes you happy?   I know it works.  And I also know it is very hard to do. It is worth the effort, I think.
You get what you give, so why not give kindness instead of anger, even if you get the anger?
You cant make the world better when you only point to others, right!

Hm..I did talk  enough. It is time to practise. There we go!

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