
Montag, 9. August 2021

The times are a changing II

The report of the IPPC is clear.

Our climate will change. It is not a question if, it is only the question, how fast.

The signs are clear, mother nature is very ill. Bush fires, temperature riisng, extreme weather conditions, floods, draught.

It gives us heeadaches, when we have to breath the smoke.
It gives headaches, when  there is a fire again, in a chemical laboratorium.

No one denies it anymore.

No one, but a handful of big shots.  Management of super companies, that rule the world.
The secret power of car industry, petrol companies, banks, weapon producers.  Institutions who do not care about human life.  Never did.

What to do now?  It is not that the next generation will be confrontated with the changes, but we, our generation as well, because it is happening now.

It is too easy to say, we can not stop it anymore.
When we say that, we know that the blackest thoughts will become reality. And worse.

Politics are chainerd by the money makers, the real power.  Politicians just are a face, the dirty workers, that are exchanged in a few years.
The nuclear pollution, the chemical pollution, the house pollution.  Look what still disappears in your waste bin. Are you separating recoycable products??

So, changes are made.
Take the car industry.  A big waste of fossile energy.  Also, time for a change.
And what happens?  One energy sourdce is exchanged by another.   Electricity Cars, that is saving the environment.
But how about the  production? How about the batteries, and all the resources needed?

So, let us take a bicycle, to help the climate.
But, it should be an electro bicycle.

Or we rent a little roller,bike to get through the city, instead of by car.  And we leave that electronic mini scooter right where we not need it anymore. In the bushes, in the water, in the park.

I can continue.  I will. But not now.  My thoughts to get active are getting form.  I will not complain, when there is no  bin, to put my waste in, when I am on my way.  I can take it home. 

And my coffee to go... In my favorite mug. :) 

Just a few thoughts.  The situation is really serious and we will get more to do with it, we will need to change our lives much more as with the virus.  what is peanuts, compared with what comes. 

Take action. Think new. NOW!!!


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